
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Think On The Truth!

Truth Is A Drawing Pencil
A Chisel
A Hammer
A Nail
Useful To Recreate Us
In The Image Of The Holy God:
Accepted And Utilized
It Will Not The True Child Of God Fail!

The Recurring Test In The Life Of Every Man
His Use Of The Truth
No Matter His Sphere Of Influence 
Where He Was Born
No Matter His Circumstance
How And Where He Lives
All Who Shall Be The Inheritors Of
The Glorious Living Kingdom
Shall All Be Made To Be Like Jesus Christ
By The Outworking Of The Ingested Truth
They Shall Live Forever In The Land Of Eternal Truth
As Youths!

Jesus Christ Is The Truth! 
The Holy Spirit Is The Sweet Spirit Of Truth! 
The Holy Spirit Is Given To Lead Us Into All Truth
The Lord Requires In Our Inward Parts
Blessed, Saving, Truth! 

Almighty God Is Truth:
That Is His Substance 
His Nature! 

All Men Are Liars
And Yet
Our Lord Calls Us To Worship Him
In Spirit And ... In Truth
Which Tells Us Plainly That
Truth Is A Purgative
A Curative
A Shield
A Seal
To Rid Known-Sinful, Known-Untruthful Man Of
All Defiling Traits Of Character
Which Presently Inhibit His Ability
To Physically ... Face To Face 
Behold The Son Of God
The Son Of Man
Through Whom We Live ... Breathe
Have Any Being! 

There Is No Life
Without The Creator
The Lord Jesus Christ!

Possession And Utilization Of Truth
Annihilates Sin 
Inculcates Truth ... Righteousness
Into The Willing One's Life! 

The Pencil Of Truth 
Draws The Figure To Be Made! 
The Chisel Of Truth 
Shapes The New Character 
Into Which The Regenerated Man Is Remade! 
The Nail Of Truth 
The Means By Which The Man Is Affixed 
To Him Who Is The Truth
The Hammer Of Truth Attaches The Soul
- The Faithful Man -
Via The Nail Of Truth
Into The Rock
The Lord Christ
Who Is The Truth! 

The Pain ... 

Having A New Character Drawn Is Easy To Behold
Being Chiseled
Being Nailed
Being Hammered Into The Fit And Final Position
As The Stone In A Crucible 
The Cloth In Fuller's Soap
Silver And Gold In The Refiner's Fire:

The Preparation Isn't Easy
The Unveiling Of The Treasure
The Sight Beautiful To Behold! 

The Sorrow ... 

Truth Doesn't Work For Every Man! 
Some Men Like To Take Their Own Disgraceful Lives 
Into Their Own Weak Hands
Choosing To Love The Convenient Lie
Instead Of Embracing 
The Oft' Inconvenient Though Always Saving Truth
Being Willing To Be Their Own God ... Known Not Good
Following The Leading Of Satan The Beguiling Serpent
- The Raging Dragon
The Roaring Lion -
They Run About Foot-Loose And Fancy-Free
The Stated Fact Of The Fiery, Burning-Brimstone End Of Liars 
Sinful, Unrepentant, Fallen Angels
Disobedient, Foolish, Ungodly Women, Children And Men! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Choose To Walk In The Truth To The Truth
Even If You Walk The Distance Alone! 

To End On A High Note
Here's Some Really Good Food 
For Decidedly Pleasant Thoughts
For Us Who Love The Truth! 

Nehemiah 3:1 Then Eliashib the high priest rose up with his ...

The Lord Cannot Forget Us, His Children ... His Treasure
Who Always Think On His Holy Name 
Despite Being Despised, Abused, Rejected
By The Sin-Loving, Truth-Rejecting, World!

Please Do Not Complain! 
Jesus Christ Was Despised And Rejected Of Men
He Found Solace In Communing With His Father! 
Let's Choose To Do Likewise! 

When The Lord Blesses, Tell Others Of Your Joy In Him! 
When Life Hurts, Share Your Need With The Lord! 
Choose To Think On The Lord
Doing All That He Says
To Have The Book Of Remembrance Show That 
Our Lives, Thoughts, Words, Deeds 
Are Such That In The Glad Day
We Shall Hear 
"Well Done, Faithful Servant!"
With The Blessed Lord
To The Glorious Land Fly Away! 


Think On Christ To Be Like Christ! 
Determinedly Think On The Truth! 

1 comment:

  1. I Live Warm In The Cold World Of Lies And Deceit Because I Am Wrapped Up In The Living Truth That Is Jesus Christ The Lord Who, Alone, Saves And Redeems Repentant Sinners Like Me! Thank You, Lord, For The Infinite Blessing That Makes Me Rich, Indeed!


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