
Monday, April 20, 2020

Guard Your Thoughts, Watch Your Words, And Be Cautious In Your Deeds!

The Days Are Evil
All I'm Saying To You 
Don't Be MAD!

What Have I Got To Be Mad About!?!
I Am Not MAD!

You Misunderstand Me!

What Are You Talking About!?!

Dencita, I Am Not Talking About Mad
As In Angry, Upset, Ticked Off, Incensed!
I'm Speaking About Miriam, Aaron And David!

Pardon My French
But What De Bird Does Miriam
Aaron And David Have To Do With Me!?!
We Only Sit In The Same Class 
And We Don't Even Socialize!

Again, Dencita, You Misunderstand Me!

Maybe If You Were Making Sense
I Would Readily Understand!

Okay, Okay!
Sheath Your Blade!

Oh, Dear! I'm Sorry!
Please Tell Me What You Mean!

Very Well!
I Am Speaking About
Prophet Miriam
Prophet High Priest Aaron
Shepherd, Sweet Psalmist, Warrior, Prophet, King, David!

What On Earth Are You Getting At Major Payne!?!

What I'm Getting At Dencita Dansing-Round Is Sin!
Sin By Thought, Word And Deed!

You've Got My Full Attention!

Miriam And Aaron Thought Of
Spoke Evil Against Their Brother
The Nation's General
Almighty God's Man Of Business
Their Younger Brother, Moses
Did Evil In The Sight Of The Holy God!

David Thought, Spoke, And Performed Evil
Against Both Bathsheba And Her Husband
His Friend, Uriah The Hittite! 

What A Man Thinks He Speaks!
What A Man Speaks
He Ultimately Performs
That Is How We Sin
By Thought, Word And Deed
Offend The Living God!


Lest You Forget
The Offense Is A Bill
The Bill Must Be Paid
In Your Skin
With Your Soul!
The Lord Does Not Accept Perishable Gold!

Oh, Dear!

Ephesians 5:15-16
A Decidedly Serious Word Of Caution
To All Of Us Who Desire 
The White Robe Of Christ's Righteousness
The Gold Crown Of Glory
The Victor's Palm
Jesus Christ's Words Of Commendation: 

"Well Done
Good And Faithful Servant!"

Ephesians 5:15-16 by mvcquotes on DeviantArt

Work Out
Your Own Soul's Salvation
With Godly Fear
And Trembling!

To Live Circumspectly 
To Live Carefully Cautious In Both Words And Actions 
In Your Desire To Avoid Known-Bad Consequences 
Aka You Want To Get Home To Be With Jesus 
So You Will Avoid Doing Anything At All 
Which Will Transport You To Hell! 

The Times Are Evil Indeed 
Truth Is Cast Down In The Street
Sweet Things Are Bitter
Lies Are Called Truth
Good Things Are Called Evil
Evil Is Become Good! 

Even Fools
- Who Say There Is No God -
Are "Wise" In Their Conceit 
Their Loud Voices Are Carrying 
The Unweary Away To Damnation! 


All Of The Word Of God 
To Teach Us, Warn Us, Feed Us
Lead Us Into All Truth 
Which Will Guide Us Home To Be With Him Who 
The Truth! 

Jesus Christ 
Also Our Light 
He Is Our Life
He Has Made The Way To The Father's Home Plain 
For Us To See And To Navigate! 

Evil Has No Future 
So Trust The Truth That Cannot Die! 
See To It That You Do Good Always 
By Almighty God's Great Grace 
You Shall Arrive Safely In The Eternal Home 
At The Time Appointed! 

Guard Your Thoughts ... Guard Your Heart
Watch Your Words 
Be Cautious In Your Deeds
Be Enduringly Faithful
Pray Penitentially
Obey The Word Diligently
Hold On To Your Hope In Jesus Christ! 
Business As Usual 
No Longer An Option!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Has Instructed Me To Overcome Evil By Always Doing What Is Good And Righteous: Heavenly Father, Please Have Mercy On Me And Bless Me To Be Obedient And To Be A Doer Of The Word And Not A Hearer Only Deceiving My Own Self! Thank You For My Purchased Victory Over Sin!


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