
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Lies, Liars, Small Minds And Peaceful Living!

Liar Lied All Morning!
Liar Lied All Day!
Liar Built A Great Fountain
On Unsuspecting People
He Gleefully, Evilly, Gloatingly Watched It Spray! 

That Fountain Sprayed Good People! 
The Fountain Even Sprayed On Some People Bad
But Of Great Note To Those In The Know
It Sprayed Known-Liar
In His Kingdom-Coming Suit
Now He Is Offended ... And Sad!

Too Bad For Him ... But I Real Glad!

Ms. Pris,
I Really Think You May Want To, Ahh, You Know
Curb Your Enthusiasm!

What For!?!
He Wet Me And Now He Get Wet Wid' 'e Own Wash Water!

Okay. Fair Enough. 
I've Got Two Things To Share With You:

Your Tongue Is No Bible: All Men Are Liars!
The Lord Doesn't Like It 
When We Rejoice At Other Person's Misfortunes!


Pardon Me!?! Have You Lost Your Mind!?!
Is The Lord Your Enemy For Delivering To Us His Truth!?!

No! No! I'm Sorry!
I'm Truly Sorry!
It's Just That Sometimes I Get Really Tired Of
Being A Second-Class Citizen ... Someone Good To Trash
When The Likes Of Barry Burnett Does His Dirty Work
And He Walks Around Seemingly Unscathed ... Until Now!

My Dear Priscilla,
I've Got Good News For You!

Pin on Christian

Look Up!

When The Peace, Love, And Grace 
Showered On Us By Our Lord 
Are Stirred Up By The Prayers Of Faith 
The Praise Of Thanksgiving That Pour Out Of Us
There Is A Sincerity In All That We Think, Say And Do! 

We Recognize That Without Jesus' Peace That 
Passes All Human Understanding
We Would Be Warring All Day; 
Without The Love Of God In Our Hearts
We Would Hate Ourselves And Everybody Else; 
Without Amazing Grace
We Would Be Twice Dead Men Just Waiting To Experience 
All That Jesus Christ Experienced On Calvary's Cruel Cross
To Be Eternally Lost!

Be Wise ...

We Are Infinitely Blessed! 
We Are In Receipt Of Personal Gifts 
From The Hand Of The King Of Glory 
So Let Us Behave Like Children Greatly Beloved
And Likewise 
Dare To Care About Others ... Whatever They Do
Whoever They Are!!

Let Us Endeavor To Live Like The Princes 
Princesses Of The Heavenly Realm ... Which We Are
Like The Inheritors With Jesus ... Which We Are
Let The Good News Gospel Of Almighty God's Grace 
Be Read By The World 
From The Books That Are Our Lives!
Do Not Compromise! 


Lying Is A Sin
No Liar Shall Enter Heaven!
Reconciliation Day Is Almost Here
For The Liar 
The One Lied Upon
So Please Remember That Unconfessed Sin
Sin Unforgiven!
Get Your Books Of Record In Order!

You Are Called To Be Light And Salt: Make Your Election Sure! 
Look Up To Jesus Christ ... And Live! 

Live In Peace With All Men ... Where Possible!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help To Never Tell Lies No Matter How Convenient Or Profitable They May Appear To Be: I Desire To See Jesus Christ In Peace And To Enter The Living Kingdom Of Light, A Trophy Of Christ, Precious, Your Heart To Eternally Delight!


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