
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

LIVING BY FAITH: Acquiring The Heavenly Inheritance

When We Children And Thought Like Children
To Brand Ourselves
We Drew Tattoos With Ink On Our Hands
Now That We Are People Of The Book
We Desire The Brand That
Clearly Marks Us As Children Of God 
Purchased By The Innocent Blood Of
Jesus Christ The Righteous
The Son Of God
The Pascal Lamb
The Son Of Man!
We're Living By Faith 
As Clearly States That Very Book: 

Galatians+3_24-27,+KJV | For You

However ...

It Is Quite The Trendy Thing 
To Hear The Unbelieving World
His Brother, Sister, Mother, Father And Best Friend 
Proudly Call Themselves The Children Of God: 
They Need To Get The Real Jesus! 

Living In Unbelief
Clearly States That One
Does Not Cooperate
With Jesus Christ!

We Also Hear "Christians" 
Who Do Not Exercise Faith
Who Publicly Voice Their Doubt About Jesus Christ 
Being The Only Begotten Son Of Almighty God 
Call Themselves Children Of God: 
They Need To Rethink Their Family Connection! 

Hear The Right ...

It Is Impossible To Please God Without Faith! 
It Is Impossible To Have Faith Without Jesus! 
It Is Impossible To Be A Child Of God 
Get Home To The Father Without Jesus 
His Faith Working In Our Lives! 


There Is Nothing That We Can Do
That We Can Do Without Jesus! 
We Need Jesus To Get Faith To Trust Jesus 
To Walk In Enduring Obedience 
To The Will Of Almighty God 
To Get Into A Mansion 
Prepared For Each Child Of God 
In The Family House Of The Living God Holy 
Who Knows The Thoughts 
Intents Of Our Hearts! 

Living By Faith May Not Be Easy
It Is Truly A Necessity If We Will Be Saved!

Talk Is Cheap!
Exercising Faith Requires Discipline
With Constant Utilization
Trusting The Word That Cannot Fail
Using Our Daily Gift Of Faith For The Present Day
Relying Upon Our Lord Christ Becomes Second Nature!
We Willfully Acquire The Necessary Muscle-Memory
Our Faith In Our God Becomes Strong!

Trusting In The Lord Christ
When You Can't See His Hand
Exercising Your Faith In Him
Which He, Himself, Gave To You!

Dare To Answer The Hard Question:

Are You Living By Faith
Forswearing Lying Eyesight
Really Walking As A True Child Of God? 


Jesus Christ 
Our Perfect Peace
Where He Is, Is Home
So If You Don't Want To Lose Your Eternal Inheritance
Please See To It That 
You Use Your Daily Gift Of Faith ... Always
In All Ways! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Lord Jesus, For The Daily Gift Of Faith For The Day That, Utilized, Cannot Fail! Please Bless Me To Live In Your Gift So That Satan Cannot Derail My Life With Doubts And Disbelief!


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