
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Pray ... And Persist In Prayer!

Who Needs t Pray? (Luke 18:1) | For You


See To It That You Heed The Word Of The Lord!
Remember That He Said To One ... And To All:
Pray ... Without Ceasing
Pray ... And Don't Faint
Aka Give Up, Be Dismayed
Be Anxious About Everything!

Prayer, Beloved
Unlocks Heaven's Storehouses
To Those Who Believe In The Living Word!
Pray ... And Persist!

Understand One Thing, Though:

We Are Not Telling The Lord
Anything That He Does Not Already Know!
We Are Allowing Our Prayers Of Faith
To Carry Us Up Towards Our God
Whom We Know Can Help Us
Whom We Truly Believe Will Help Us!

So, Little Children, With That In Mind
Whatever Your Sorrow
Whatever Your Need
Cry Boldly ... Even Bitterly
Always Humbly 
With Faith 
Unto Almighty God ... In The Name Of Jesus
For Your Relief And Release! 

If You Have Any Doubt Within You
Please Tell The Lord About It
Ask Him To Help You Get Rid Of It!

The Lord Does Not Have Anything
To Give To Anybody
Who Does Not Believe In Him 
And His Ability To Provide! 

Think About It ...

Our Prayers Are Conversations: 
We Speak And The Lord Listens 
The Lord Speaks ... And We Listen! 
Pray ... And Listen ... And Pray Again!

Pray ... Until Something Happens!

A Word Of Caution ...

Please Do Not Let Your Prayers
Be Always About I-Want, I-Need, Gimme, Gotta Have It!
Prayers Of Thanksgiving Are Always Welcomed 
Always Accepted!

Let Us Be Mannerly
When We Approach The Throne Of Grace 
Remembering To Whom We Speak
On Whom We Rely
In  Whom We Trust
Through Whom We Shall Ascend The Heights Of Glory
With Whom We Shall Spend Eternity 
In The Sweet By And By! 


We Are Blessed Beyond Measure 
We Have A Carte Blanche ... A Blank Check
Which We May Courageously Fill In 
With The Ink Of Faith: 
It's Already Signed By The Heart Of Infinite Love 
Will Be Honored Only As It Blesses You
Glorifies His Great Name! 

Pray Passionately In The Moment Of Your Need 
And, Again
I Say Unto Us All: Pray Without Ceasing! 

Praying Is Power
Prayer Is Powerful
Our Ability To Pray To The Majesty Of Heaven
A Gift To His Children 
From The Holy Hand Of The Eternal God
Who Is All-Powerful ... All-Knowing
All-Seeing ... Ever-Present!

Please Do Not Give Up On The Border Of Receipt 
You Stepped In A Coil Of Doubt! 
Pray On Anyhow 
Press On To Receive Your Blessing: 
You Shall Not Be Made Ashamed! 

Hold On To Your Hope In Jesus Christ 
You Will Be Blessed:
It Is The Promise Of Almighty God!

Never Forget That
Is Also The Answer To Prayer!
Our Father Knows Best!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Father, For The Gift Of Prayer! When I'm Praying, From You I'm Not Straying So Please, In Mercy, Grant Unto Me The Will To Make Praying A Necessity ... Just Like My Daily Food!


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