
Friday, April 24, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + OASIS IN LIFE FOR LIFE: Of Good ... And For Blessings!

Sing Out My Soul to The Lord: HAPPY SABBATH + Jesus, Lover Of My ...

Our Oasis 
Notable For Always Having Fresh, Clean, Sweet Water
Sure And Ample Shade
To Comfort The Soul Of The Traveller
To Give His Strength To Prevail ... To Plod On
On The Road To Victory Over Sin, Self, Satan, Hell
Death And The Cold Grave
Giving The Shout Of Triumph
Thanking God Almighty
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Righteous
Who, Alone
Has The Power To Succour All Of Us!

The Good Book That Tells Of Christ Jesus
The Word Of Truth
The Word Of God
The Pardoner Holy Just And True
Our Oasis In Life's Desert Of Sin
Calling Us To Soul Salvation
Giving Us Ample Reason
To Our Purchased Victory To March On!
Let Us Be Faithful!
Let Us Not To The Adversary Give In! 

Now Hear The Word Of The Lord
To Me, To You:

Psalm 25:8-9 - KJV - Bible verse of the day -


We Will Never Arrive At The Heavenly Home
Under Our Own Steam
Like It Or Not ... To Get There Safely
We, All, Must Make Some Hard Acknowledgements: 

  • I'm A Sinner 
  • I Must Ignore Temporal Glory
  • I Must Turn Away From The Scenes Of Life That Humbled Me To Shame
  • I Must Be Of A Meek And Gentle Spirit
  • I Must Walk In The Footsteps Of My King In The Way That He, Personally, Has Marked For My Feet

The Lord Can Teach A Meek Soul 
He Can Save The Acknowledged Sinner
The Lord Can Do Nothing For The Person Whose Lust For 
Temporal Aka Earthly Glory 
More Than His Love For His Lord 
His Desire To Be Eternally Saved
Nor For The Person Who Believes That His Sin ... His Shame
Bigger Than The Lord's Capacity To Forgive 
To Cleanse! 


Everything That We Do Involves Thought ... Decision-Making
We Must Decide To Believe That The Word Of God Is True
That As Repentant Sinners Aka Sinners Saved
The Lord God Of Grace For Us Now
Glory For Us To Come
Will Guard, Guide, Lead, Feed, Chide Aka Correct
Abide With Us
Deliver Us From Sin And Death
Physically Reclaim Us On The Great Day! 

The Word Of God
The Transcript Of God's Character!
The Word Of God Is Living
And By It 
We Know That We Have Eternal Life!

Read The Living, Holy, Word
Remind Yourself ... Daily
That You Have A Future
An Expected End -
The Gift Of The Eternal God!

The Word Of God, Again, Is Our Oasis!
This Oasis Means Life To Us Who Are In The Desert ... Of Sin!
Please Consider ... Carefully ... This Fact:

An Oasis ... A Known Blessing To Travellers
Profitable To The Man Who Finds It
Greedily, Gratefully, Avails Himself Of Its Benefits!

The Man Who Blithely Walks Past
The Only Oasis In The Desert
While Declaring That Such A Way-Station
For Weaklings And Cowards
Will Slowly Die A Painful Death
When His Bravado And His Earthly Supplies Are Depleted
There Is No Other Known Stop For Body And Soul Refreshing!

Make The Decision ...

We Thoughtfully Don't Leave Home Without "Our" Cell Phone! 
How About Let Us Thoughtfully Decide 
Not To Leave Home Without "Our" Lord
- Who Is Infinitely More Profitable - 
In Our Hearts!?! 
The Living Word Works Full-Time!

Remember ...

All Good And Perfect Gifts ... Blessings
Come From "Our" Lord Christ
In Whom Is "Our" Life!
Accept The Blessed Provisions From The Hand Of Our Lord

1 comment:

  1. Whatever The Lord God Almighty Says That He Has For Me, By His Great Mercy Toward Me, I Intend To Greedily Extend My Hand In Anticipation Of The Receipt Of The Blessings That Are Sure To Enter My Grasp! Thank You, Jesus, For The Sacrifice And The Promise!


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