
Saturday, April 25, 2020

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Almighty God's Sanctification Versus Christened Sin

The Pastors, Priests And The Pope Of Rome
Are Getting Boldly Presumptuous:
They Are Sanctifying Sin
Which Is An Oxymoron
Plainly Shows That It Is Satan, Himself 
For Whom They Are Openly Working!

The Word Of The Lord States:

"Sanctify Them Through Thy Truth
Thy Word Is Truth!"

So I Cannot See How It Is Possible
For Anything ... By The Word Of Man
To Be Sanctified ... Set Apart
For Holy Use
Or For Sin To Be Made The Thing Holy!

The Work Of The Holy Spirit 
Against Whom No Blasphemy Is Forgiven!

What The Almighty Calls Sin
No Man Born Of A Woman
Or Inspired By The Dragon 
That Serpent Known Devil
- Our Adversary, Satan -
Can Ever Be Made A Ring Of Salvation!

2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 - God The Gift And Us - YouTube

What Jesus Christ Calls Sin
Shall Remain Sin
No Hireling Shepherd
Uttering Prayers Using Corrupt And Deceitful Words
Can Turn The Truth Of Almighty God Into A Lie
Christening Pork And Calling It Beef!

A Man Will Never Be A Woman
A Woman Will Never Be A Man
Same-Sex Unions Will Never Be Blessed By Almighty God
Ordaining Out And Proud Homosexual Priests
The Age-Old Temple Prostitutes
Will Never Obtain The Approval Of The Unchanging God!

People ... Believers
Who Let Others Do Their Thinking For Them
Who Refuse To Follow The "Thus Saith The Lord!" 
Are Working Out Their Own Damnation 
Propping Up The Kingdom Of Satan
The Notoriously Lied King Of Sin
The God-Fraud!

By The Word Of The Living God
You Shall Know The Truth
The Truth Shall Set You Free!

Altering The Word Of God ... On Paper
Does Not ... Cannot ... Will Not
Alter The Word Of Almighty God
Who Is On The Universe's Throne In Heaven!

Beware Of Those Who Would Take 
The True And Living God Off Of His Throne
To Protect Gross Passion
Inordinate Affection 
Power And Position!
Do Not Permit Yourself To Become A Pawn
A Disposable Unit In Their Satisfy-Self-And-Mock-Jesus Factory!

When You Love Your Sin
Your Self
More Than You Love Your Creator
Savior, Sanctifier, Provider, Redeemer
Lord, God, Judge And King
You Are Walking With And Like Satan
Shall Surely Receive His Same And Just Reward!

The Work Of The Holy Spirit
Is For The Duration Of The Life Of The Saint
Who Is Seeking After Christ And His Righteousness 
Who Is Not Practicing Sin And Lauding Self
Upholding Wickedness For Putrid Pleasure!

The Soul Being Sanctified By Almighty God
Through Jesus Christ The Lord
By The Working Of The Holy Spirit
Faithful To The Eternal Word Of The Everlasting King
Is Actively The Works Of The Flesh Forsaking!
He Is Being Saved From Sin!

Jesus Christ Will Not Save Any Man, Woman, Child
Prophet, Priest, Pastor, Pope, Prince, Preacher
Who Lives And Dies In Known ... Unconfessed
Unrepented Sin
All Who Teach Mankind To Sin
To Fly In The Face Of The Living God
For Earthly Reward
Shall Pay For The Sins Of The Souls
That They Have Stolen From The Love Of Almighty God! 

Almighty God Is Jealous Of His Name
His Character
He Does Not ... Will Not
Share His Glory With Created Gods
Be They Wood, Stone 
Bronze, Silver, Gold, Paper, Plastic
Flesh Or Lying Fallen Angels
Those Unseen Wicked
Damned-For-Eternity Evil Spirits! 


As You Did At The Prayer Of
The Prophet Elisha 
For The Benefit Of His Young Servant
Please Open Your Faithful People's Eyes
To The Truth That Saves
Who Have Not Made
A Covenant With Death
Who Are The Inheritors Of
Christ's Sure Salvation! 
Have Mercy, Lord, On Us!


Thought For The Week Ahead:

Verse4Today Psalms 30:4‭-‬5 KJV Sing... - Ellen G. White Quotes ...

The God Of Grace
The God Who Showers Unmerited Favor Upon Us
God Forever 
The Very God Who In Mercy And Abiding Love 
Which Will Not Let Us Go Or Forsake Us
Calling Us To His Side To Be With Him Forever! 

The Love That Jesus Christ Has For Us 
Infinite And Works Doing All To Help Us 
To Get Home To His Side! 

We Have Nothing In Ourselves ... Or Of Ourselves
That He Has Not Given Us To Help Us Cooperate With Him 
Save Our Free Will 
Freedom Of Choice! 

Let Us ... For Love
Exercising Our Gift Of Faith
Recognizing Our Need Of Him Who Saves
Choose To Walk With The King Of Love 
Taking Him As Our Everlasting Portion! 

Let Us Give Him Joyful Praise
Heartfelt Prayers
Willing Obedience 
As We Watch, Wait And Work Wisely 
For Him Who Blesses His Faithful Children Forever 
Whether The Sun Is Shining 
Or We Are Walking Under The Shadow Of Life's Storms! 

Stand Up For Jesus 
Live Life With Real Joy Today ... And Forever! 

1 comment:

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ, By The Living Word Of Truth And Righteousness, Daily Blesses My Soul ... And I Am Blessed Indeed! Spirit Of The Living God, Please Fall Afresh On Me And In Latter-Day Rain Strength!


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