
Monday, April 13, 2020


Unclean Lips And Murky Motives
Are In The Hookup From Hell
Vindictively Constructed By Deadly Doings!

This Horrible Trio From Tormentor deDamned
Had It In For Enduring Faith
Blessed Rest
Truly Obedient
Walking Wise 
Watchful Waiting!

You Wouldn't Believe The Reason For The Animus!

Walking Wise Had Gotten His Brethren
To See The Light Of Life
They Had All Decided To Be Clean
Since The Light Disclosed Their 
Then-Disgraceful Presentation
Which Reeked Of Putrifaction! 

They Had Known That They Had Stunk
But, Then
Everyone Around Them Stunk Up A Storm
So It Was NBD ... No Big Deal! 

Walking Wise Had Showed Up
Posited An About Face! 

He Looked ... Clean! 
He Smelled ... Fresh! 
He Talked ... Real Good And Righteously! 
He Walked ... Wisely
Which Was Real Different From Everybody Else
Who Were Wanderers
Who Walked Wildly
Indulging Doubt And Disbelief
Sowing Discord
Gushing With Greed 
Preening With Pride Over ... Nothing! 

They All Had Big Balloons
Walking Wisely Was Like The Unwanted Sting Of The Wasp!
He Was The Pip Of The Pin That Pops The Bubble
That Kept One Insulated
From Truth ... The Stability That Blesses
That Does The Hungering Soul Truly Delight! 

Neither The Horrible Trio 
Nor Tormento DeDamned Were Hungry
So Great Was Their Rage Against Walking Wise! 
They Were Fat And Happy
Lied And Liming
Corrupt And Corrupting Cast-Offs 
Who Were Carriers Of The Plague
The Disease Of Willful, Wanton
Life-Wasting Sin And Selfishness
Caustically Proud Of The Stinking Tripe That 
They Were Selling As Free Gifts! 

Their Regular Customers 
Gravely Made Their Purchases With 
Mad-At-Life, Angry-At-God, Playing-With-Fire Money
- Ignorant To The Truth That Cannot Fail -
Then Confidently Walked Wishfully To Their ... Graves!?! 

Walking Wisely Had Brought A Screeching Halt
To Their Deadly Trade
Business For Tormentor DeDamned Was Getting Spotty!
Hence, As I Said, The Animus!

Don't Appreciate

Walking Wise Had Heard The Living Word!
Walking Wise Had Read The Saving Word!
Walking Wise Had Pondered The Love-Gift In His Heart
He Had Been Sincerely Moved
By Its Simplicity And Sincerity
Being Convinced Of Its Truth To Save 
To Bless Himself And Others
Had Moved With Alacrity To Share It
With All Of His Brethren!

Please Prayerfully Ponder
Walking Wise's Words Of Wisdom:

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man ...


Unclean Lips, Murky Motives
Deadly Doings 
All Maliciously Seek Your Eternal Ruin:
They All Work For Tormentor DeDamned Aka Satan!
His Movie Name Does Not Alter 
His Lake Of Fire-For-You End-Game!
Do Not Be Fooled By Their Wiles!

Now Hear The Right ...

Unlike Satan
- Who Does Not Have Any Manners -
Our Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ The Lord
Truly Polite 
Will Not Enter Your Premises, Your Life, Your Home
Without The Personal Invitation And Welcome! 

Jesus Christ Knocks! 
Jesus Christ Sounds His Voice So That You Know That 
It Is He, Himself
He Waits For You To Say: 

"Lord, I Was Listening Out For You! 
I Am So Glad That You Are Here! 
Come In And Let's Talk And Have A Meal Together! 
Please Abide With Me Today ... And Forever! 
Dear Lord, I Really Need You!" 

All Of This Communication
Is Done Through Faith And Prayer!


Please Remember Always That 
Jesus Christ Will Never Force You 
To Allow Him Entrance Into Your Life 
He Will Never Stay Where He Is Not Wanted! 

Your Free Will And Free Choice 
Your Power For Or Against 
Both Jesus Christ ... Your Only Savior
Satan ... Your Known Accuser
Adversary And Rabid Enemy! 

Jesus Christ Won't Force You 
To Let Him Into Your Life 
Satan Can't  Force You To Do So Either! 

You Have All The Power: Weight The Evidence In The Word 
Choose Who Will Bless You ... Eternally! 

FYI: It Ain't Satan!

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Please Help Me To Understand That Tomorrow Is Not Promised, That Today Is The Day Of Salvation, That Satan Is My Sworn Enemy, That Jesus Christ Is My Only Friend, And Heaven Is My True Home! Please Bless Me To Wholly Lean On Jesus Christ Who Ever Blesses And Who Is My King, Lord, Master, God And Only Savior No Matter The Provocations And Deprivations That Your Faithful Children Are Facing And Will Be Forced To Face In The Time To Come! Please Help Me To Live By The "Thus Saith The Lord!" And To Walk Wise In Your Wisdom As I Traverse The Strait And Narrow Way To Mount Zion! Please Help Me To Praise Jesus And Glorify Your Holy Name Always!


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