
Sunday, April 12, 2020

JESUS CHRIST KNOWS: The Blessing Of The Good Chair!

Eternal Knowledge:

Almighty God Is Going To Make Man
Man Is Going To Sin 
Man's Sin Is Going To Cause His Death
Man Is Going To Need Redemption From Death
Death Is The Last Enemy 
Almighty God The Son Is Going To Be Man's Substitute
Taking Man's Death
Man's Punishment
He Will Give Man His Life
His Eternal Life
Even Before Man Says
"I Know You Who You Are!"
Before Man Acknowledges His Own Sin
Before Man Confesses And Repents Of His Known Sin
Before Man Even Sins The Sin That Leads To Death


Jesus Christ Will Die 
To Save Who Has Not Yet Been Created And Made
To Redeem Man ... Fallen Man
From The Death That Man Will Earn For His Own Sin
His Presumptuous Sin
Which He Will Commit After He Is Created And Made


Man Will Have An Adversary
Man Will Doubt His Creator
Man Will Knowingly Sin Against His Creator
Man Will Need Salvation
Man's Only Savior Will Be His Creator


Man Was Created
Man Chose To Sin
Jesus Christ ... Man's Only Savior 
Man's Creator
Came To Earth
To Teach Man The Way To Live 
To Show Man His Sure And Secure Salvation

Some Of Mankind Believed
Most Of Mankind Doubted
Jesus Christ Died ... Was Murdered
Jesus Christ's Death And Burial
His Rest In The Grave 
His Resurrection From The Dead
His Walking Glorified Among Men
His Ascension Into The Heavenly Places
His Act Of Sacrifice Accepted By The Father
His Payment Of The Whole Bill For Fallen Man
His Interceding In The Most Holy Place For Fallen Man
The Promise To Return For Us 
Who Choose To Believe His Word
A Done, Whole-Package, Deal! 

Man, By Birth-Right, Has In Himself
Free-Will And Free-Choice
Freedom To Make The Decision
For Life 
For Death
For Salvation
For Damnation! 

Man Cannot Be Forced
To Agree With His Maker! 
Man Cannot Be Forced
To Agree With His Adversary! 

Man Is Free To Be ...! 

Jesus Christ
The Son Of God
The Son Of Man
Fully Flesh ... Perishable
Fully God ... Imperishable
Walked On Earth ... Knowing! 

Jesus Created Man ... Knowing
Jesus Christ Died For Fallen Man ... Knowing
Jesus Christ Got Up From Death ... Knowing
Jesus Christ Is Interceding For Man ... Knowing
Jesus Christ Is Coming Again ... Knowing

You May Well Ask 
What Does Jesus Christ Know!?! 

Jesus Christ Knows That 
Fallen Man Is A Clan Of Doubting, Gainsaying
Petty, Prideful, Presumptuous
Often Foolish, Disbelieving, Weak And Wayward, Ingrates
He Also Recognizes That 
They Are A Few Of Us Who 
Will Understand The Word
Will Follow The Holy Will
Will Confess Their Known-Sin
Will Repent Of The Surging Evil
Will Choose The Holy Way
His Way To Life
These Faithful Few
For Whom His Soul Did Successfully Travail
He Will See In Perfect Peace
He Will Be Satisfied! 

All Whom The Father Gave To Him
Will Come To Him!

Jesus Christ Knows That 
He Will Pay To Purchase All
Few Will Accept The Bill-Paid
Freedom-To-Live-Right Certificate Called Salvation! 
He Knows That If We Were Just One Person
- For Divine Love -
He Would Still Die


He Died For One
Aka Each Of Us ... Personally

The Knowing:
It Is Now Personal ...

I Was Lost In Sin! 
Jesus Christ Shows Me The Way To Salvation! 
I Believe His Word Is True ... The Truth! 
I Am Walking With
Faithfully Following Him ... Home
To My Heavenly Father's House Of Everlasting Love! 

I Do Not Walk On This Earth Alone! 
The Savior Of Man Is With Me
He Will Walk With You, Too! 
Ask ... And You Will Receive The Blessing!

Choose Jesus Christ
Eternal Life! 

Think On This Gift:


What A Wonderful Blessing: 

Grace, Mercy, Peace, Truth And Love 
Aka Unmerited Favor, Loving Kindness
Prosperity Within And Without
Almighty God ... God Is Love
Be To You! 

These Five Attributes 
The Known-Solid, Durable, Stable Chair 
For The Child Of Almighty God To Sit Back On
Rest Securely! 

You May Freely Invite Others To Share Your Chair! 
You May Plead With Others To Get To The Master Builder
- Jesus Christ The Lord - 
To Get Their Own Chair! 
The Pattern Is Original! 
The Build Is Unchangeable
The Life Expectancy Of All Who Own
Occupy The Chair
- Which Is The Gift Of The Eternal God -

Be Aware, Though, That
There Is A Move By The Adversary Of Souls 
To Flood The Mortal Market 
With Knock-Offs Whose Legs Fall Off 
Whose Back-Props Crumble 
They Are Created With The Alloy Called Self 
Which Is Propelled By The Damnable Accelerant Called 

Don't Be Fooled! 
The Original Is Paid For ... For Each Of Us Willing
With The Blood Of The Lamb Of God
Is Built From The Wood Of Calvary's Tree! 
The Lamb's Death Purchased The Wood! 

The Choice Is Yours:
Take The Free-To-You Chair The Lord Builds
Purchase For Yourself The Chair That 
Atelier Pride And Willfulness Hawks! 
The Decision Is Final! 
Your Death Seals The Deal! 

Get Wisdom!
Get Understanding!
Walk Wisely
Take A Load Off: Sit Down And Rest On The Good Chair! 

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Knows My End From My Beginning And Any Place Where He Is With Me, Is Heaven To Me: I Have His Personal Promise That I Do Not Walk Alone And That If I Shall Descend Into The Depths Of The Sea, Or Hell, That Nothing Can Separate Me From His Love Because He Is With Me! Dear Lord, Please Help Me To Remain Faithful To You No Matter What Life Throws In My Pathway!


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