
Saturday, April 11, 2020

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Joyously Disappoint The Devil!

Body Healthy
Spirit Pure
We Must Deny The Liar His Pleasures
We Will Walk Through Heaven's Gate Door!

We Must Disappoint The Murderer Proud
We Must Be Bold And Loud!
We Must Stand Up For Truth And Righteousness 
We Must Not Indulge In Controversies Crude And Pointless!

We Are To Believe And Endure
Jesus Christ, To Us, Is Health And Cure
We Are To Walk Wise
Watch And Ever Prayer
We Are Not From The Straight Path To Stray!

We Are To Trust And Not Doubt!
We Have The Lord's Promise:
Do Not Cast It Out!
We Are To Tell The Good News
Indulging No Disputing With Those Who 
The Straight Truth Of The Eternal Word
Bluntly, Carelessly, Reject ... Refuse!

The Way Is Straight, Strait!
The Road Is Rough, Hard!
The Savior Who Walks With Us
Waiting For Us:
Brethren, Beloved
Our Savior Is The Son Of God
Prince Immanuel
The Ever-Living Good And Kind King!
He Is No God-Fraud!

Heavenly Rewards: Peace And Rest!
Heavenly Reward: No Sorrow On Your Chest!
Heavenly Reward: You Are By The King Of Love Blessed!

Look Up: Our Redemption Draws Near!
Look Up: Do Not Fear!
Look Up: Get Ready!
Prepare To Be Blessed!
Look Up And Walk On:
Your Firm Faith Will Permit You To Pass
The To-Eternal-Life Test!
In The Love Of The Lord Christ
Safely Protected, Rest! 


Pin on Scriptures

When Your Lord Is Your Creator 
Your Creator Is Your Rock, Your Fortress
Your Deliverer
You Have Every Reason To Give Him Thanks
Sing His Praises 
For Your Deliverance From All Your Enemies: 
Sin, Self, Satan
Death, Hell And The Cold Grave! 


This Is Not The Time To Look At What Ails, What Assails! 
It Is Time To Look Up To Him 
Who Helps, Heals, Saves And Seals
To Him Who Has Prevailed Against 
The Enemy Of Our Souls, Satan
Who Encourages All To Indulge Doubt And Disbelief 
So That We Will Stand On Sinking Sand
Depart The Fortress
Deny Our Creator
Lose Our Deliverance From Damning Darkness 
Our Delivery To The Land Of The Kindly Light That 
Gives Eternal Life! 

Praise The Lord At All Times
Pray The Precious Promises 
By Willing Obedience
Live In Peace: Our Redemption 
Truly Drawing Near! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget:
Our Heavenly Father, For Each Of Us
Sacrificially, Personally, Privately
Intimately Cares! 
Pass The Word Along
In Him, Be Strong!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Is My Eternal Portion So By The Lord's Great Grace Which Provides Mercy For Me, I Shall Not Permit The Vagaries Of This Life To Hinder Me In My Journeying To Beulah Land, The Home Of The Forever-Blessed! There Is Victory In Jesus!


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