
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

COMMITTED TO CHRIST: The "As For Me ..." Moment

Psalm 17:15 As for me, I will behold your face in righteousness: I ...

Every Committed Christian Has An "As For Me!" Moment 
When Against The Backdrop Of 
Common Sense, Temporal Prosperity
Familial Opposition
Occupational Security 
They Will Say With The Conviction Of Working Faith
Concrete Trust: 

"The Lord Is My Shepherd
My Portion, My Peace! 
I Will Walk In His Ways! 
Whatever Befalls Me
I Shall Ever Give Him
My True And Heartfelt Praise! 

I Do Not Pray To A False God! 
I Pray To The King Of Kings! 
I Lean On The God Eternal 
It Is By His Grace Available
His Mercy Free
That I Choose His Blessed Way
Through This Life 
To Enduringly Go Walking!" 


I Pray For Us Strength For Our Journey
Courage For The Way On Which We Must Travel! 

Only The Lord Christ 
Can Cause Us To Arrive Safely At The Heavenly Home 
So Choose To Behold Him Now ... In His Word
Be Satisfied With His Provision And Protection Now 
Having Declared Your Commitment To Him And His Cause
Embrace His Righteousness 
Through His Daily Gift To You Of Faith For The Day
Whilst Being Ever Obedient To Live Companionably With Truth 
Know Of A Surety That You Shall Rise Up 
To Go Up To His Glory 
Bearing His Likeness In Your Then-Glorified Body! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Stand Up For The Lord Jesus
Even If It Means That
You Stand Alone For Him! 
His Great Glory Awaits His Faithful Children!

Point To Ponder:

To Smell The Wonderful Scent Of The Beautiful Rose
One Risks Being Stung By A Honey Bee
Nestled In Its Velvety-Soft Folds!

To Cut And Possess One Fragrant And Beautiful Bloom
One Risks Being Scratched By Or Hooked Upon A Thorn:
We Take The Risk ... For The Known Reward!

There Is Risk With A Rose:
There Is No Risk Involved In Trusting The Lord Jesus!

The Lord Tells Us In His Word
What He Has Done For Us!
What He Is Doing For Us
What He Will Be Doing For Us!

We Have Full Disclosure
The Guarantee Of Performance
Written With Innocent Blood
So That We May Safely Walk Courageously
Encouraged By The Faith That He Daily Gives Us
Until The Great Day Dawns
Our Tested Mortal Faith Becomes Approved Immortal Eyesight!

Faith In Jesus Christ
Its Own Reward!

1 comment:

  1. Father, I Thank You For The Blessed Privilege Of Personally Knowing That I, Faithful To My Lord Christ, Have An Expected And Sure Eternally Prosperous End As A Forever Citizen In Your Living Kingdom! Please Lift Me Up So That I May Uplift Your Holy Name, And Please Keep Me Faithful Until My Life Shall End Or My Jesus Comes To Take His People Home To The Mansions Of The Forever-Blessed!


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