
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

KNOWING JESUS CHRIST: We Can't Outlive Almighty God's Goodness!

PSALMS 18:2 KJV "The LORD [is] my rock, and my fortress, and my ...

We Are Going To Talk About Our Lord
We Are Going To Keep Talking About Him
Until We All Understand Who He Is
What He Does
What He Is Doing
Will Be Doing For Each And Every One Of Us ... Personally
We Are Willing To Obey And Cooperate With Him!

Today We Are Review Psalm 18 Verse 2
We Are Going To Take Time To Understand!
We All Can Read
True Understanding For Everyone Of Us
Can Be A Mite Sketchy At Times
So By God's Great Grace
The Holy Spirit's Guidance
We Are Going To Unpack This Great Verse Of Scripture!

Always Pray For Illumination
The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit
Dare To Be Quiet
Shut Out The World's Opinions
Listen To The Still Small Voice Of God!

Simply Put, 
The Lord Jesus Christ 
Our Firm Foundation
Our Impregnable Shield
Our Unassailable Champion
Our Bed, Bath, And Beyond
Our Plate, Cup, Knife
Fork And Spoon ... Not That Abomination Called A Spork
Our Big-Picture Station
Our Storehouse Of Plenty Good Food 
For Our Body, Our Beliefs And Our Laborings
Our Forever Home 
Opened To Accept Whosoever Will 
From Wheresoever You May Come! 

Our Lord Is A Known Quantity
Always The Same
Not Given To Fickleness
Unchanging ... Unchangeable
Our Faithful Pastor
Our Perfect Parent
Our Very Much Needed Great Physician! 


There Aren't, Nor Ever Will Be, Any Immortal Sinners
We Will Never Live Long Enough 
- Be It In Time Or In Eternity - 
To Find Out All That Jesus Christ Is Doing
Has Done
Will Do For Us Personally! 

Our Lord Christ 
The Big God Filling The Immensity Of Eternity
He Is Real And Righteous 
Returning For Those Who Choose Him 
As Their Sun, Moon And Stars
Hope, Help And Sure Salvation! 

Please Be Reminded, Beloved, That
We Can Do All Things Through Christ 
He Is The One, The God, Who Strengthens Us! 
There Is No Us Without Him!

Dare To Know ...
Dare To Believe ...
Dare To Accept ...
Dare To Repeat ...
Dare To Live In The Knowledge That ...

We Are Everything To Our God 
When He Is Everything To Us 
We Are The Majority Against The Wily Foe! 

We Are Fearfully And Wonderfully Made 
In The Image Of Almighty God: 
Studiously Lift Up The Lord Always
Without Fail
Be Infinitely, Eternally, Blessed! 

May His Perfect Peace Be Ours Today ...!

... And Forever!


If You Are Always Asking God
For Things
Your Mouth Is Always Open
You Cannot Hear
What He Is Saying To You
To Bless You:
Choose To Be Quiet At Times!!!


Be Still ...
And Know ...
He Is Almighty God Glorious!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Help Me To Be Quiet In Your Holy Presence So That I May Hear All That You Have To Say To Me To Bless My Soul: I'm Listening, Lord!


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