
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

DISOBEDIENCE DOESN'T PAY: Almighty God's Gonna Laugh!?!

Do You All Remember When We Were Small
Knee-High To A Grasshopper
And Mama Used To Tell Us:

"Don't Do That Thing Because ...
And If You Fall And Hurt Yourself
I'm Going To Spank You ...
And If You Cry After Disobeying Me
And Falling And Hurting Yourself
I Am Going To Spank You ...!

... And She Did!

Did She Ever!

I Remember That The Punishment
Felt Worst Than The Actual Disobedience ...!

Didn't You Ever Wonder ... After We Grew Up
Where She Got That Idea From!?!

I Sure Did! 
It Was Brutal 
And It Was Effective
And We All Learnt Never To Disobey Her Again!

Well, Today Is Our Lucky Day!
We Are Going To See The Road-Map
That Mama Followed!

Listen To This!

Proverbs 1:24-27 King James KJV | Bible proverbs, Bible scriptures ...

These Words Are Amongst Some Of 
The Most Frightening Statements 
Uttered Against Humans 
Should Be Taken Heart 
By All Of Us Who Desire To See Jesus Christ The King 
- The Judge Of All Flesh -
In Perfect Peace! 


Willful Disobedience 
Man Committing A Crime ... Punishable By Death
Against His Own Soul 
We Would All Do Well To Take Stock Of Our Thoughts
Our Words 
Our Deeds 
So That In The Great Day Of Small Things 
We Are Not With Those Humans Who Had Goat Parts 
Thought They Could Out-Thin
Outlast The Eternal God 
Who Means What He Says
Does What He Says
Delivers On His Promises Be They Gifts Or ... Punishments! 

Almighty God's Word Shall Stand 
We Would All Do Well To Choose To Hear
Understand, Accept 
Act Upon On All Things Which Say: 
"Thus Saith THE LORD OF LIFE!" 
Who Doesn't Stutter 
Or Gamble
Or Make Mistakes!

Let Us Be Amongst The Truly Wise: 
Embrace The Truth 
Dare To Live In Total Obedience 
So That The Lake Of Fire 
Does Not Greedily Embrace You! 

Please Heed The Law Of Life 
From The Giver Of Life 
You Shall Surely Enjoy ... For Eternity
Everlasting Life! 

Obedience Always, Always, Always, Profitably Pays! 
Let This Word To The Wise Be Sufficient For Me And For You: 
Live In One Accord With The Lord!
In Him Is Our Only And True Peace!

Contrary To Popular Belief
Disobedience Can't
Doesn't Pay
We Have The Word Of God On It
As Proof!

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Obey You In All Particulars Even If I Don't Feel Like It!


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