
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

"Ask Of Me ...!"

Pin on The Word King James Version

Almighty God 
Not A Man That He Should Lie To Us Saying 
"Ask Me For All That You Need!" 
When He Knows He Can't Deliver! 

Almighty God ... Jesus Christ The Lord
The King Of Earth And Glory 
Creator, Provider, Sustainer
Keeper, Healer, Sealer
Guardian, Guide ... And Stay! 

When Jesus Christ Says 
"Come Unto Me!" 
Whether You Are Buck-Naked
Eyes Crusty
Nose Snotty
Smelling Like A High Wind After A Rain Storm
Please Set Aside Your Foolish Pride 
Appear At His Throne! 

When He Says:
"Ask Of Me ...!" 
Whether Your Mouth Is A Ball-Room Before The Ball 
Or Smells Like A Belching Baby's Behind
Open Your Mouth 
With All The Humility That 
Your Faith In Christ Will Produce
Ask Your Redeemer ... Your Forever Friend 
- Who Made And Owns Every Last Thing
Seen And Unseen
Known And Unknown In All Of Creation - 
For What You Need! 


There Are Things We Could Have 
Do Not Receive 
We Do Not Ask The Lord For Them: 
He Won't Give Us Those Things 
Without Our Personal Request! 

Let's Up The Standard Of Our Working Faith 
Let Us Go High
Go Deep 
Go Wide 
As We Take The Lord At His Word 
To Let Him Do Great Things For Us Today! 

We Have Nothing To Lose But Our Doubts: 
We Have Glory To Gain! 

Remember ...

The Gift Of Praying 
A Blank Cashier's Check! 

Ask The Lord ... Who Always Knows What You Need
For What You Need: 
Prove His Love For You Without Fear 
Dare To Fill In Your Check! 

1 comment:

  1. My Lord Does Not Need Me To Tell Him What I Need Of Him! My Lord Needs Me To Show My Trust In Him And In His Hand Of Provision By Making My Requests Known Unto Him ... The Eternal, Holy God ... Who, Alone, Provides To Me Every Good And Perfect Gift! Father, I Give You Praise And Thanks! I Love You, Lord!


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