
Thursday, July 9, 2020

JUDGING: The Microscope Of Christ

Matthew 7:1-2 - Daily Bible Inspirations

I Would Give Almost Anything Right Now

Just To Hear Somebody ... Anybody
Speak The Truth Without Prevarication
To Make Judgments On The Merits!

I'm With You On That!
I'm Getting Really Tired Of People Judging Other People
Without Benefit Of Facts ... Truth
Without Even Looking In "The Mirror!"

I'm Certain That You Have Heard That
Mirrors ... Disclosing Mirrors ... Are For Suckers
One Of Whom Is Born Every Minute!

Well, I Have News For You!
I'm One Of Those Suckers!
I Believe The Living Word Of God!
I Look In The Mirror That Is The Word Of Almighty God
I Accept All That The Word Says!

And Furthermore ...

We Are Called To Judge Righteous Judgments 
According To Truth Aka Heavenly Light
Not According To The Yardstick That 
All Bad-Minded, Narrow-Visioned
Envious, Greedy, Gainsaying  
Unregenerate ... Without-Christ Humans 
Constantly Utilize! 

When We Don't Have The Love Of The Living God In Our Hearts 
We Are Well Able To Clearly "See Unaided" That 
Everybody Else Has A Mot ... A Speck Of Dust ... 
- That You Need A Microscope To Be Able To See -
In Their Eye 
But We
Being Above "Them People" 
Are Unable To See
To Ascertain
To Accept That Our Very Own Eyes Are Blinded 
By A Beam ... A Veritable Tree Trunk
Which Has Taken Up Permanent Residence 
In Our Eye Sockets! 


Let's Be Wise 
Be Proactive 
In All Matters Pertaining To Our Soul's Salvation! 

When We Judge People 
Over Matters About Which We Are Guilty
We Condemn Ourselves! 

Note To File ...

Let's Get Real
Let's Get The Garbage Pile Out Of Our Own Lives
- Off Our Front Lawns - 
Before We Start Accusing Others
For A Candy Wrapper In Their Life
On Their Dining Room Table! 

Let's Wash Out Our Dirty Drawers 
Before We Fetch Up Our Guts 
Wash Out Our Mouths On People! 

Be Very, Very, Careful: Almighty God Don't Like Ugly 
No Buggy-Lamp, Ugly-Minded Christian 
Ain't No Way Getting Into His Eternal Kingdom! 
Let's Get Angry ... For An Abiding, True Cause
Let's Get To Stepping
To Studiously Clean Up Our Acts 
Before We Get Locked Out Of The Living Kingdom
Get Cast Into The Lake Of Fire ...!

... Prepared For The Accuser Of The Brethren
Satan Aka King Fraud

1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, To Confess And Repent Of All My Known Sin And To Stop Judging People Unfairly Just Because The Living Truth Makes Me Uneasy And Even Condemns Me And My Known-Unchristian, Known-Corrupt Ways! Open My Eyes, Lord!


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