
Friday, July 10, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + CLIMB: Jesus Christ Is The Mountain!

Sing Out My Soul to The Lord: HAPPY SABBATH + Jesus, Lover Of My ...

Can Climb A Glass Mountain!

Everybody May Climb The Rock Of Ages
Jesus Christ The Lord
Who Breaks Down The Idolatrous Kingdoms Of This Earth
Smashing Them To Be As The Chaff Of
The Summer Threshing Floor
Destroying Them Completely
Never To Rise Again
To Trouble The Hearts Of His Saints Again
Or Any More!

The Stock Of Life ... 

Brethren, Beloved

Today We Visit The Store
There We Shall Purchase 
Our Living Life And Travelling To Zion Supplies:
In The Appointed Day ... By Our Choice 
We Shall Either Eternally Live
Or Eternally Die!

Please Be Advised, My Dear Ones
That The Stock Of Life Store
Has Two Spirits From Which To Choose!
Both Of Them Are 100 Proof
Only One Of Them 
Distilled From Eternal Holy Truth!

The Store Of Life Also Has A Table
For Those Who Like Care Packages!
The Care Packages Are Two:

One Is For Those Who Like The Finer Things Of Life
Bears The Glitzy Gold Entertwined CC Brand Called 
Corporeal Comforts
It Has A Flagon Of That Decadent Fragrance Called Delicious Doubt
The Eye Wash Of The Stars From DeBauche And DeKay!

The  Other Care Package 
Simply Wrapped In Linen ... Glistening White
Which Has A Blue Border Above A Swag Of 
Pomegranates And Bells With A Single Starred Gold Crown!

It's A Very Popular Item For Browsers 
Very Few Shoppers Actually Purchase It
It Has An Overwhelming Scent Of Curatives And Cleansers!

The Store Says That Those Who Buy It
Are Persons In Something Called "Need Of Cleansing!"
Who Specifically Ask For It By The Brand Names 
Prince Of Peace!
Perfect Peace!
Pray And Plead!
Promises And Power!
Pride Is Past!
"The One With The PP Logo 
With The Falling Red Droplet!"

The Last Thing I Want To Draw To Our Attention 
The Free Gift Given To All Shoppers At The Stock Of Life! 

It Has The Strangest Name:

Default Position ... By Choice! 

That's An Oxymoronic Name! 

Default Position Is A Do Nothing Jobbie
And Choice Is An Active I-All-Up-In-This Maneuver! 

You're Right! 

We Are Free-Will Free-Choice Agents
We Have A Responsibility To Our Maker
Which Precludes Us From Going To Our Dusty Beds
Unwitting Or Unknowing Of 
The Final Decision We Have Made! 

We Are What We Eat!
We Decide Where We Sleep!
We Taste What We Speak!
We Associate With Whoever Does Our Hearts Treat
There Is No No-Decision Default Position! 

Simply Put
We Choose Our Poison
Our Passion
Our Position
Our Final Possession!
We Choose Our Door
We Choose Our Own Grand Exit
For Each Of Us 
It Is No Chore! 


Satan Calls His Followers
To Climb The Glass Mountain
Which Has No Footholds
No Handholds
No Waters Still
No Pastures Green
No Bread Of Life
No Oil Of Gladness
No Food For Thought!

He Offers To All Unwary ... And Willing
The Thrill Of The Spill
The Thrill Of The Chase
The Heights Of Indulgence
The High Life With The Low Light
At The Bar Of Beguilement Where
Disappointment Sings The Blues! 

When We Climb Jesus Christ The Mountain
We Start In The Valley Of Decision
As We Walk The Lonesome Road
The Path To Life
To Ascend To The Glory Road
With Jesus Leading And Feeding
We Ascend Above Worldly Success
Ain't It Fun! 

We Travel East!
On The Savior We Feast
Rise Above Self-Actualization
As We Climb Higher And Higher
To The Heights Unknown
Where His Outstretched Hands Call Us To Land 
To Rest A Little While
We Are Refreshed To Take The Last Mile 
Energized By The Distant, Plain
Not Distorted View Of Beulah Land
And Ever Believing 
We Walk Wisely Unto Soul Salvation 
To See Eternal Life
Through The All-Seeing Eyes
Through The All-Knowing Heart
With The Ever Present Teacher Guide
With Whom We Shall Ever More Abide! 

Choose Now!
Choose Wisely 
May The God Of All Grace
Be Merciful Unto Us! 

A Charge To Keep ...

In The Name Of Prince Shiloh ... The Only One Holy
When Asked For Your Decision
Please Choose The Cup Of Blessing
Which Holds The Peace ... The Perfect Peace
That Passes Human Understanding
That Infinitely Provides Rest 
Unto Our Hungering-For-Him
Thirsting-For-Righteousness Souls! 

Dare To Choose To Love 
Serve The Gracious Lord! 
I May Suggest
All Decisions Taken Are Solely Of 
The Persuasion Called Yours!

Psalms 61:2 Inspirational Image

1 comment:

  1. Rock Of Ages, Please Cleft For Me!
    I Am Desirous Of Hiding In Thee!
    You Are Lord And God Of All
    And You Protect Your Faithful Children
    From Satan The God-Fraud!
    Rock Of Ages, Please Cleft For Me
    For I Am Determined Wholly To Follow Thee!


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