
Friday, August 7, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + Speech, Salt And Life!

Happy Shabbat As For Me, I Will Always Have Hope I Will Praise You ...

Colossians 4:6 KJV Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned ...

Those In The Public Domain Having Converse With A Christian
Should Always Be Able To Declare
- Without Fear Of Contradiction -
That You Have Been With Christ Jesus 
The Manner
The Tone
The Words That Are Uttered 
Out You As A Child Of The Great King! 

Speech, Salt, And Life 
Are All Gifts From The Eternal God 
All Three May Be Used For Good Or Evil
Blessing Or Cursing! 
Our Personal Choice
Our Free Will Exercised
Make Our Inclinations ... The State Of Our Heart ... Plain!

Note To File Of Remembrance ... 

We Who Name The Name That Is Above All Names 
Should Know How To Use The Gifts Of God For Good 
For Blessing Our Obedient Self 
Needy Others! 


Too Much Salt Ruins A Dish 
No Salt At All Makes It Hard To Swallow! 
Jesus Christ Says That We Are The Salt Of The Earth
So We Should Surely Know How To Season Our Speech! 

Consider This ... 

Inappropriate, Crude
Tasteless, Bitter, Accusatory
Condemnatory Words 
Cause Others To Despise, Avoid And Deny Us 
A Selfish, Self-Absorbed, Hate-Filled
Angry, Grasping, Greedy, Gainsaying
Complaining, Discontented Life 
Denies The Lord 
Makes One A False God
Totally Unprofitable! 

Please Let Us Be Wise Enough 
To Use The Gifts Of Almighty God Well Enough 
To Bless Ourselves 
Others ... In Jesus' Holy Name 
So That We Will Hear The Glorious 
"Well Done!" 
In The Great Day! 

Remember ... 

Unfiltered Speech Belongs In The Garden Of Prayer
In Your Personal Talk And Time With Our Savior
The Blessed-Forever King Jesus! 


Be A True
Ambassador For Christ!

1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, To Be Salt With The Obvious Taste Of Truth And A Shining Light Which Makes The Way Of Truth Plain For Others To Clearly See Our Dear King Jesus!


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