
Saturday, August 8, 2020

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: PRAYER: Provide For Us, Lord, According To Our Need!

I See My Need And I Come To You In Faith
With All Doubts Set Aside
Because I Recognize And Accept That 
There Is Nothing That I Can Humanly Do 
That I Can Do Without Your Holy Hand
Your Gift Of Life, Love 
Dear Grace
That Unmerited Favor Which I Daily Receive 
According To Your Loving Kindness! 

I Am Grateful, Lord
For The Knowledge That Clearly Shows Me That 
I Do Not Walk Alone
Through The Changing Scenes Of Life 
The Personal Experiences That Prove That 
You Are True To Your Word Holy, Alive
That You Are Indeed Faithful
Worthy To Trusted, Honored
Consciously Followed
Enduringly Obeyed! 

You Are My Hope
My Only Help
My Sure Salvation
My Peace
My Rest! 

Father, You Are Home To Me
It Is With A Loving Heart
Burdened For Our Brethren
Near, Far, Seen, Unseen, Known, Unknown
In The Faith 
Coming To Faith That 
I Pray For Your Rich Blessings
To Fall Upon Each Of Us
According To Our Individual Needs
Equipping Us For The Journey To Zion
The Journey Home To You That We Are Making!

I Give You Grateful Praise
Heartfelt Thanks
The Strength For Our Journey
The Courage Dearly Needed
For The Way In Which We Must Walk
To Safely Reach Our Heavenly Home! 

Please Increase Our Faith 
Help Us To Humbly Draw Nearer To You
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Dear Name That
We Plead! 
Please Have Mercy Upon Us And Come Soon! 

PROVERBS 10:22 KJV "The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and ...


  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Live Always By The "Thus Saith The Lord!" And To Walk With Humility Permitting The Holy Spirit Of Truth To Be My Constant And True Guide!

  2. Barbadollies:Greetings
    How are you doing.I hope you had a very blessed Sabbath.
    Please keep me in your thoughts, and prayers.My Mother pass away early this morning, I feel so grieve I could talk to someone like you in person to give spiritual advice especially in these trying times. I pray with my children, However my spirit is lacking the real deal The Father, Son and Holly Spirit.Nevertheless I will continue to walk towards the calling of Almighty God.
    BeSafe Be Blessed

    1. Dearest Moonlight,
      I am truly sorry to hear of the passing of Your Beloved Mother: She Will Rest In Peace Until The Great Day! Please know that I will raise up You, and Your Children to The Throne Of Grace! Yes, we are living in trying times BUT never forget that we serve The Eternal God who created Time: just lean on His Love and trust in His Faithfulness and He will see You through! Whatever happens, just remember that we do not walk alone! Angels are watching over us and The Lord, Himself, has Promised never to leave us or forsake us! Please hold on to The Blessed Hope! Are you on Facebook!?! If you are, please send me your Facebook Name and I will contact you there!
      May The Grace Of The Eternal God Fall Mightily Upon You, And Yours, And Grant You His Perfect Peace!
      Blessings Be Upon You!

    2. Barbadollies Thank you very much for your wounderful words of encouragement. I always pray tthat Almighty God continues to strengthen.protect and blessed you always now and forevermore.
      My Facebook name is Dinah Foster.
      Have a blessed night/morning.Same to you Blessings Be Upon you always.

    3. Barbadollies Thank you very much for your wounderful words of encouragement. I always pray tthat Almighty God continues to strengthen.protect and blessed you always now and forevermore.
      My Facebook name is Dinah Foster.
      Have a blessed night/morning.Same to you Blessings Be Upon you always.

    4. Moonlight: Greetings! I hope that you had a Blessed Day! Is your Facebook page the one with a picture of Cattle-Wash and a picture of Grey Wolves!?!

    5. Barbadollies Yes I had an awesome day today because my daughter and her children came to visit me and spent the day with me so I felt a lot better than before,What about you?hope you also had a blessed day also
      No I don’t have Cattle-Wash or Grey Wolves. My Facebook photo is the one that has a green flower garden and trees type Dinah Foster and its should come up on Both Facebook and WhatsApp


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