
Monday, October 5, 2020

REST EASY: R.I.P. Is Not Only For Duppies!


"Come Unto Me...!" 

This Is A Gentle Call ... A Loving Encouragement
The Lord Jesus Christ 
The Only One Right, Righteous
The Giver Of Hope, Faith, Peace, Rest
Grace, Mercy, Blessing, Freedom
Free Will
Free Choice
Does Not Do Force! 

Almighty God ... Who Can
Won't Force You To Salvation
Satan ... The Adversary
The Roaring, Raging Lion
The Murderer
The Liar
The Deceiver
- The Piercing Serpent - 
Can't Force You To Damnation!
Thank You, Lord
For Your Blessings On Us! 


Our Free Will And Free Choice Are Gifts ... Blessings
So, Please, Do Not Ever Believe That
You "Must" Submit To Any Created Being
To Be Able To Eat, Sleep, Work Or Live! 

We Live 
Jesus Christ 
- Our Creator, Provider, Sustainer - 
Gloriously, Eternally, Does! 

Never Forget It ...

No Being Can Take Jesus Christ Aka The Conquering King
- King Victorious - 
Off The Throne Of His Glory 
Or Demote Him 
Or Make Him A Proxy-King Aka Powerless! 

When We Stand Up With 
Live For Jesus Christ
We Stand With The Rock Unshakeable, Unmovable
To Eventually Live With The King Eternal! 

Let Us, Therefore
For Love ... By Faith ... With Endurance
Get To 
Walk With Our Lord 
Who Loves Us, Each, Individually 
Personally Intimately: 
Jesus Would Have Died For You 
Even If You Were The Only Person On Earth! 


Please Rest In The Love That Refreshes
Raises Us Up To His Glory! 

Is Not 
Only For Duppies! 
Righteousness Is Peace! 
Rest In Him Who Is Peace! 

Jesus' Peace Is Free!

1 comment:

  1. Peace And Rest In This Dark World Laden With Sin Is Possible And Available To All Of Us Who Daily Choose To Believe That Jesus Christ Is Lord, God And Soon-Returning King By Our Free-Will Cooperation And Willing Obedience To His Will Through His Living, Holy, Inerrant, Unfailing, Word! Thank You, Lord, For The Blessing That Is Truth!


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