
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

WHAT A BLESSING: The Heavenly All-You-Can-Eat-And-Drink No Man Can Tell You "No!" Buffet

If You Don't Already Know It
Your Name Is Whosoever Will 
You May Freely Approach The Bread Of Life 
Take Part In The All-You-Can-Eat Buffet 


For Once In Your Life 
Dare To And Be A Glutton And A Gourmand 
With The Inordinate Liberality 
Now Often Foolishly Shown By The Drunkard Class 
Dare To Freely ... Wantonly
Drink Of The Water Of Life! 

The Table Is Spread ... 

Jesus Christ's Flesh Is Bread Indeed
His Blood Is Drink Indeed! 
This Is A Spiritual Feast 
From Which No Created Being May Say To You: "Nay!" 


Get Thee Hence To The Table Of The King 
Eat And Drink 
Eat And Drink Of The Word That 
Speaks Life From Jesus Christ ... The Word Who Is Life 
Relish It! 

Imagine It ...

No Stomach Burn
Stomach Ache
Aching Head Hangover
Falling Down Drunk Into Sin And Self-Loathing
Sleeping In The Gutter With The Enemy
Stinking To High-Heaven 
Covered In The Detritus Of A Life-Long Bender 
Pointing You To Hell And Damnation! 
What A Blessing!

Jesus Christ The King Calls You: Answer! 
He Bids You Eat: Cut, Chew Well And Swallow! 
He Bids You Drink: Acquire A Hollow-Leg 
Scarf Down The Water Of Life 
Don't Stop Until He Appears In The Eastern Sky! 

Peace Be Upon You!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ The Master Said: "Come And Dine!" And I Did, And I Still Dining! The Feast That Is Spread Is Eternally Amazing!


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