
Monday, December 7, 2020

Forgive Us, Lord, As We Forgive Others!?!

Everybody Loves The Lord's Prayer
Blithely Repeat It 
Without Pausing To Think About The Words 

"Forgive Us ... As We Forgive ...!" 

We Love To Talk About 
"Do Fuh Do!" 
When We Are The Doer 
Foolishly Forget That 
We Are In Debt To Almighty God
We Have Trespassed 
Aka Gone Where We Should Not 
Aka Committed Sin Against His Holiness! 

We, All, Are Treading On Dangerous Ground 
When We Pray For Forgiveness 
Walk Around Holding Grudges Against People
- Be They Friends, Family Or Foes - 
While Daringly Saying: 
"I Will Never Forgive Them!" 


Are You The True And Living Holy God Of Grace And Mercy!?! 
Do You Hold Life And Eternity In Your Hand!?! 

If Your Answer Is 
I Beseech Us All To Back-Back To Go Forward! 

The Lord Jesus Christ
Immediately After Teaching His Disciples 
How To Pray 
Then Warned Them Graphically 
About The Content Of Their Prayers 
Their Attitude! 
To Err Is Human: 
To Forgive Is Divine! 

We Who Desire The Lord's Forgiveness 
For Our Sins Against Him 
Must First
Forgive Those 
"Who Done Did Us Wrong!" 

Let Us, Therefore
Be Obedient So That 
We Shall Be Blessed Of Our God! 

By Faith
In Truth
For The Love Of God
Dare To Extend Your Hand In Fellowship
Even If It Figuratively Gets Chopped Off! 

The Lord Of Earth And Glory 
Reads Hearts 
He Promises New Life And New Bodies! 
Do Right! 
Eternal Blessings Await The Obedient Enduring Faithful!

Like The River Glorious!

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Lord, To Worship You By My Willing Obedience To Do All That You Ask Of Me Without Fear Or Failure!


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