
Sunday, December 6, 2020

Putrid Pride Perverts Good Character!

Are You Like The Pharisees Who Spoke And Fasted With Pride 
Are You Like Christ Jesus Who Spoke Peace 
Ate His Food With Humility
Willingly Choosing To Be With The Sinners Who Saw 
Expressed Their Personal Need Of 
Their Personal Savior!?! 

Lest We Forget
The Lord Asks Us To Humble Ourselves 
Under His Mighty Hand 
In His Own Time He Will Lift Us Up! 

Pride ... Putrid Pride ...  Perverts Good Character
We Ought To Constantly Remember That 
It Was Putrid Pride That 
Caused Satan's Fall From Saving Grace! 
We Should Never Forget That It Is False Pride That 
Causes Us To Elevate Our Sinful Self 
Before We Spectacularly Fall 
Our Shame Is Exposed! 

We Have Nothing About Which To Practice Pride 
Save Jesus Christ The Lord ... Our Lord
So Let Us Be Wise And Consider, Understand
Remember That 
The Only Thing That We Take From This World 
Our Name ... Our Character 
Good, Bad, Ugly Or Indifferent! 


The Only Character That Will Enter Heaven 
The One That Is Totally Like Christ's 
So, Please, I Beseech Us All
By The Grace Of God 
With An Obedient, Willing Spirit
Get Rid Of The Unholy Habits 
Ugly, Offensive, Prideful Attitudes: 
Jesus Christ Cleans And Saves! 

Powerfully Pursue Peace!

1 comment:

  1. I Am A Child, Dear Father, And I Humble Myself Before You: Lead Me, Guide Me, Teach Me, Feed Me, And Bless Me To Do Your Will With A Willing And Cheerful, Faithful And Enduring Spirit!


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