
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Dare To Be Different ... In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!

Are You Walking With The World 
Setting Your Affections On Worldly Themes
Choosing Your Pleasures From Its Foul And Free Buffet
Worshipping After Their Standards
Just So That You're Not Called And Classed 
Different Or Strange!?! 

Are You Aligning Your Future To The World's Fortunes 
For Present Personal Peace 
Presumed Profit?! 

Be Ye Warned ...

Anyone Who Is A Friend Of The World 
The Enemy Of God: 
Jesus Christ Said So! 

We Have Choice And Chance
Freedom And Free-Will
Opportunity And Occasion
Heaven And Hell:
Tread Softly ... Carefully!
Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Choose To Walk On 
Broadway And Cast-Into-Hell 
Just To Enjoy An "Easy" But Lying Life Now! 

Please, By Faith
For Love 
With Hope For The Expected End 
Promised By The Lord Of Life
Dare To Walk On Strait, Straight And Narrow 
At Not-I-But-Christ 
Live Now In Truth To Duty 
And Then 
To Enjoy True And Everlasting Beauty 
Boundless Beautiful Blessings From The Hand Of Christ
The Forever Faithful Friend 
Who Sticks Closer Than A Brother! 

Jesus ... Our Jesus Christ
The Shepherd Of Our Rest
God Almighty
Mighty To Save ... And To Bless
King Forever: 
His Word To Us Is Settled And Sealed In Heaven! 
Stand Up For Jesus! 

Peace Witih Jesus Christ
Peace With Jesus Christ Is Precious!
Peace From Jesus Christ Is Perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Because Jesus Christ Is, I Am Accepted, Blessed, Comforted, Delivered, Elevated, Free, Grateful, Humble, Inspired, Justified, Kept ... Loved! Thank You, Lord, For Your Myriad Blessings Showered Upon Me!


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