
Saturday, January 16, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: "Living" Behind Almighty God's Back!?!

There's An Old Expression About 
Living So Far From Town-Life
- From All The "Action"  - 
As To Be Living Behind Almighty God's Back! 

In Truth, Brethren
We Don't Ever Want To Reside In That Neighborhood 
It Is A Place Of Consuming Contempt
The Place Where Almighty God
The Lord Of Life 
- The Judge Of All Flesh - 
Puts Those Things Not Worthy Of His Remembrance
Namely Our Confessed 
Humbly Repented Sins! 

If You Are Living Behind The All-Knowing God's Back
It Means That Your Known Sin 
In His Face 
Which Means That Your Obvious Sin 
Decidedly Chargeable To Your Personal Account! 

In That Vicinity Of Residence ... Of Operation 
You're Boldly Declaring That 
Jesus Christ The Savior ... The Redeemer ... The Forever Friend
Didn't Personally Die For You ... The Condemned Sinner


You ... Being False-God-Level Rich
Are Indulging In Own-Sin Self-Pay: 
You've Rejected Free And Available Grace 
The Dearly-Purchased Sure And Secure
Free-To-All Aka Whosoever Will Salvation! 

Be Wise Unto Salvation ... 

Get Smart! 
Reject  Pride! 
Raze The Foundation Of Your Foolish-Man-Built House 
Build Yourself A Sure House 
In The Light Of The Shining Face Of The Eternal God 
Who Is Willing To Be Gracious Unto You 
Give You A Piece Of His Personal Peace 
As A Repentant Sinner Of The Contrite-Heart Clan 
Called Committed Christian Clothed In Christ! 

Sin ... A Stain
A Reproach: 
Righteousness Exalts! 
Live In The Glorious Light Of Life: 
Wear Righteous-Man White In Almighty God's Holy Sight! 

Blessings Immeasurable
Abundantly Await
The Cleaned And Redeemed
Faithful Saints
God And Christ!

1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, To Live A Life Of Faith And Prayer!


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