
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Be True To Truth!

Denying The Truth Of God 
Does Not Change The Character Of God 
Or Our Need To Totally Embrace It! 

Denying The Requirement That 
We Are To Be Sanctified Aka Set Apart 
Through Our Obedience To The Truth ... Christ Jesus 
Does Not Change The Fact That 
Disobedience Is Sin
Sin Means Death 
Unrepented Sin Means Damnation! 


Let Us Not Walk With Or Personally Participate In 
The Sin Of Those Who Openly Defy The Living God! 

When You Know The Truth That Saves 
You Deliberately Choose To Indulge In Error
Lies, Deceit
Compromising Behavior 
Just Because 
It Is Convenient 
Makes You "Feel" Good
Does Not Make It Profitable Or Beneficial 
In Either The Short Or Long Term
Far Less Eternally! 

We Are Headed Toward Hill Zion The Beautiful 
Forever Blessed 
Only Those Who Choose To Fulfil The Requirements 
Aka Acquire The Holy And Undefiled Character Of Christ 
Shall, By Right, Enter Therein!
There Is No Short-Cut  Or Exemption From Righteousness
To Get To Share In The Glory Of The Lord Christ! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Permit Presumptuous Sin 
To Hold Dominion Over You! 

Do What Is Right 
It Is Right! 
Our Dear Jesus Said That We Must Do Right 
If We Desire To See Him ... In Perfect Peace: 
Let Us Be True To Truth 
Live In Righteousness! 
Jesus Christ Alone Saves:
Be Humble And Be Blessed! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Dear Father, For The Gift Of Saving Truth! Please Help Me To Hold Truth Close And Maintain It Dear To My Heart So That I Will Not Be Moved Or Swayed By The Multitude With Loud And Connected Voices Who Wittingly Embrace And Are Comforted By Known Error!


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