
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Sing Unto Almighty God A New Song!

No Mortal Aka Human Being 
Can Over-Rule God Almighty 
Out-Maneuver Satan! 

No Committed Christian
- Standing By Faith Through Grace 
With Prayer - 
Has To Worry About Satan 
His Deceived, Unhinged, Minions 
Doing Them A Damage: 
The Lord In Zion Reigns And Rules!


We Are Instructed By The Word Of Truth That 
All Who Will Live Godly Lives In Christ Jesus 
Shall Suffer Persecution 
So, Whatever You Are Going Through
Whatever Is The Reason
Be Joyful In The Lord 
For Being Counted Worthy To Suffer 
For Your Faith In Your Creator, Savior, Redeemer 
Forever Friend 
Who Sticks Closer To You Than Any Brother, Sister
Mother, Father Or Child Ever Can Or Will! 


Remember This One Thing: 
The Gift Of Song And Praise To Our God Known-Eternal 
A Spiritual Weapon In Your Warfare 
Against Those Who Will Try To Cause You To Sin 
Against Our Lord Christ 
By Indulging In Foolish 
Decimating, Deadly, Devilish Doubt! 

Whatever Happens To The Child Of God 
Permitted By The Eternal God Of Grace 
So Never, Ever, Doubt That The Lord Is Able
Ready And Willing To Deliver You
No Matter The Cock-Ups And Miseries 
Which Apparently Dog Your Life! 

Pray ... Always! 
Sing Unto Almighty God A New Song
Be At Peace As You Rest In Him! 
Troubles Won't, Can't, Don't Last Forever! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Lord, For The Gift Of Song, The Word Of Joyful Praise And The Humility Of The Prayer Of Faith: I Worship You!


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