
Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Everlasting Portion!

What Our Eyes See, Our Heart Wants! 
If We Longingly Look At The Things Of The World
We Will Desire Those Things! 

When We Lovingly Look Fixedly Upon The Lord Christ 
By Faith View Heavenly Things Constantly
We Shall Truly Long For Christ 
Desire To Behold Him In His Glory ... In Our Flesh
With Our Own Eyes And Not The Eyes Of Another! 


Jesus Christ Must Become Everything To Us 
Or Else Our Loyalty ... Divided Between Here And Heaven 
Will Most Assuredly Cause Us To Lose Out 
On Receiving Our Everlasting Portion 
To Take Personal Possession Of Our Land Lot 
Granted To Us By Right For Loving Our Jesus 
Having Overcome Sin! 

No Other Human Is You! 
No Other Human Can Love The Lord Christ As You Do: 
You Are Unique, Special! 
No Other Human May Overcome Sin In Your Behalf
No Other Human May Own Your Lot! 
So, If You Choose To Liberally Indulge 
Your Desire For Temporal Aka Earthly Things 
Conservatively "Love" The Things Of God
Please Know ... Of A Surety That 
You Shall Not Hold Either! 

Dare To Let
"Jesus First! 
        Jesus Last! 
              Jesus Always!" 
Be Your Daily Call To Work
To Walk
To Acquire The Wisdom Of The Wise 
Who Walked ... Are Walking ... On The Way Of The Cross!

I Beseech Us All
Please Seek  ... And Find ... The Savior 
Know That All Of Grace's Good Things 
Will Be Abundantly Added Unto You!

The Everlasting Portion
The Portion That Lasts
It Is Specifically For Those
For Jesus Christ The King
Their Lot In Life Have Cast!

1 comment:

  1. Open The Eyes Of My Heart, Father, And Bless Me To Behold Jesus Christ My King In All His Beauty: Please Generate Such A Constant Longing Within Me To Be Where He Is Such That Neither Disappointment, Neglect, Abuse, Contempt, want, Sorrow Or Shame Can Ever Erase!


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