
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Confidence!?! In Whom!?!



In Whom And For What Are You Confident!?! 
In What Are You Lacking Confidence!?! 
In What Are You Confident That Truth 
Common-Sense Says "No!?!" 


Misplaced Confidence 
As A Dagger In The Heart! 

Lack Of Confidence In Christ In A Christian 
The Same As Doubt And Disbelief! 

Over-Confidence In Oneself And In One's Abilities 
The Perfect Recipe To Cook-Up Disaster 
Since You're Placing Yourself In Pride's Fantasy Garden 
As Planted And Groomed By That God-Fraud
Satan The Damned! 

As Committed Christians
Our Confidence, Our Trust, Built Upon The Holy Faith
Should Firmly Be Reposed In The Lord Christ! 

Think About It ...

There Is Nothing Wrong With Being Confident: 
It Is A Gift From The Lord! 

The Problem Lies In Our Making A God Of The Gift 
Even Denying And Denigrating The Giver! 

When Self Is Elevated
We Become Our Own God

We May Rest Assured That Multiplied-Sin 
Will Be Boldly, Basely
Opening Our Heart's Door! 

Please Do Not Cast Away Your Confidence In Christ
- Which Bears Fruit - 
For Self's Candy Corn That's Barren! 

Dare To Have Bold Confidence Aka Child-Like Trust 
In The Lord Christ
The Author And Finisher Of Your Faith
Who Sacrificially, Personally
Cares For You Body And Soul! 

Be Wise: 
Only Jesus Saves! 

Peace With Our Lord And God
Our Goal!

1 comment:

  1. By Grace, Through Your Gift Of Daily Faith, Dear Father, I Am Confident That Jesus Christ Loves Me, And Died To Save Me, And Is Coming Soon To Take Me And All Of His Faithful Ones Unto Himself! I Am Blessed And I Truly Know It! I Give You All The Glory, Worship, Honor And Praise!


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