
Saturday, March 27, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Pray For The Gift Of Discernment!


Every Child And Servant Of God 
Every Student Of The School Of Jesus 
Should Request And Possess 
Spiritual Discernment! 

We Need To Know Ourselves 
The Spirit Under Whom We Are Performing! 

We Need To Recognize The Spirit That 
Motivates Those Whom We Call Friend
Associate And Acquaintance! 

We Need To Know 
Be Activated By The Spirit Of Almighty God 
To Know The Things Which Are Of The Living God 
So That We Will Recognize When Things Are Off 
Not In Keeping With The "Thus Saith The Lord" 
As Should Be Followed By Us 
Who Are Walking On The King's Highway! 


Choose To Try Aka Test The Spirits
To Know Whether Are Of The Holy God: 
Don't Just Say "Yes!" Or "So Let It Be!"
Swallow Everything From Anybody 
Just Because You "Know" Them! 

There Is One Jesus Christ! 
There Is One Holy Faith ... One Gospel Of Truth
So Have Nothing To Do With The Compromising Spirit That
Preaches The Feel-Good Gospel Of Convenience 
The Very Popular  In The Disobedient To Truth Clan's
No-Justice Save Unrepentant-Sinners In Their Sin God Of Love! 

A Gift Of The Holy Spirit Who Leads Us Into All Truth
Is Free To Those Who Believe The Truth
Ask For The Outpouring ... In Unfailing Faith! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Discernment Is Not Just Seeing And Knowing: 
It Is Also Making The Right Judgment Call! 

Peace Be Upon You!

A Gift Is Only Beneficial
When It Is
Opened And Used
The Purpose Intended!


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, I Believe That The Living Word Is True And Able To Save Me From My Sin And, In The Name Of The Beloved Jesus, I Sincerely Pray For The Outpouring Of The Spirit Of Discernment To Detect The Liar And His Lies, And His Deceitful Sophistries! Please Help Me To Stand Faithfully In The Truth That Is Jesus Christ No Matter If The Heavens Should Fall!


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