
Friday, March 26, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + Be Not Dismayed Nor Discouraged When You Are Dismissed And Disparaged!

We Who Hold Our Lord In Godly Fear ... In Awe
Will Never Have To Deal With Misplaced Trust
Or Decimating Despair! 

Our God Is Holy 
His Word Is Eternally True! 

His Love For Us Is Infinite 
His Blessings Are Perfect For Me And For You! 


There Are Those Around ... And Among Us 
Who Will Question Our Christianity
The Way We Worship
Our Personal Commitment To The Lord Christ
His Perfect Law Of Liberty
Which Is The Very Mirror Which Tells Us 
Where We Are Going Wrong 
How We Should Walk Aright! 

Mirrors Declare!
Mirrors Don't Repair!

Please Do Not Be Dismayed Or Discouraged
With The Whole Lot Of Useless And Unprofitable Talk
In Jesus' Name 
Do Not Become Defensive When You Truly Know That 
You Are Living According To The Will Of Almighty God!
Don't Listen To The Agents Of Satan, The God-Fraud! 

I Beseech Us All
No Matter Who Disparages 
Or Dismisses Your Walk With The Lord Christ
Continue To Walk Right According The Master's Will!
Any Other Way To Walk
Nothing More Than Satan's Pig Swill! 

When You Are Feeling Weak
Give Your Burden To The Lord 
Fervently Pray  ... Without Ceasing
By Unfailing Faith Press On! 
The Day To Go Home Is Soon About To Dawn!

Please Do Not Give In To The Naysayers 
Who Are As Braying Donkeys 
Do Not Give In To The Gainsayers 
Whose Idea Of Profit 
Eternal Loss!
Choose To Remember The Lord Christ 
On Calvary's Cruel And Accursed Cross! 

Jesus Christ Calls Us 
He Cares For Us! 

Jesus Christ's Love Lifts Us Up 
So Rest Assured That He Will Never Lie To Us 
Or Leave Us To Do Battle Alone! 

Remember That The Eternal Word Of The Living God
Is Not 
A Holey Known-Leaky Sieve:
Trust The Word
Look Up ... And Live!

1 comment:

  1. No Matter What The World Offers Or What The World May Take Away From Me, I Beseech You, Dear Father, To Bless Me And Keep Me Faithful At My Savior's Side!


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