
Monday, March 1, 2021

Double-Minded Christian!?!

Just In Case We Conveniently Forgot The Fact
Neither Love And Hate
Good And Evil
Truth And Error
Light And Darkness
Friend And Foe
Faith And Doubt
Cowardice And Courage
Nor Bitter And Sweet 
Can Exist In Or Proceed From 
The Same Source At The Same Time: 
These Things Cancel Out Each Other! 

We Cannot Bless And Honor 
Curse And Humiliate A Person In The Same Breath 
It Is Certain That We Cannot Praise God 
Pet Satan At One And The Same Time! 


A Double-Minded Aka Two-Faced 
Aka Deceitful Christian 
Has To Be Most Miserable, Unhappy
Dangerous Traveler Under The Sun: 
We Cannot Live Like That And Rise Up To Glory! 

Wittingly Building Our Dream House On Sinking Sand 
Marks Us As Devoid Aka Empty Of Wisdom 
Her Understanding 
Patently Shows Us To Be Incapable 
Aka Unable To Use Received Knowledge For Profit: 
This State Of Affairs Should Not Exist 
There Are No Fools In The Kingdom Of God! 

We Cannot Go Forward By Walking Backward 
We Cannot Show Love By Serving Hate! 

Jesus Christ The Lord ... The King ... The Judge
Truth, Love, Light, Life 
The Only Way Home To The Father's House!

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

We Are Jesus Christ's Followers
The Salt Of The Earth 
Light Of The World 
We Are Being Blessed To Become Like Him 
So Dare To Firmly Fix Your Focus On Your Father 
Who Is The Same Yesterday, Today And Forever!

Digging Down Is Death: 
Look Up
Build Up
Live To Rise Up To The Heavenly Glory Of Our Lord!

Christians Committed To Christ
Do Not Scatter What He Has Sown
Faithfully, Diligently
Sow Good Seeds With Him
With The Hope For An Abundant Harvest!

1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, To Keep My Eye On The Prize ... Heaven At The Last Trumpet ... By Walking In The Wise Ways That You Have Laid Out For Me In The Living, Holy, Unchanging Word Of Truth And Love!


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