
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

SEXUAL SIN: Superfluous Naughtiness!?!

There Is Nothing Cute About Naughtiness 
Since It Is Attached To Filthiness
Which All Refer To Sexual Sin! 

Sexual Sin 
Always Against Your Self! 

Anything That Is Superfluous 
Does Not Serve Any Good Purpose 
Should Be Avoided At All Costs! 

Sad To Say ...

In These Times In Which We Live
Naughty Is Nice
Superfluous Is A Necessity 
Filthiness Is De Rigueur Aka Fashionable! 


We Have At Our Fingertips 
The Sure Word Of Almighty God Known Able To Save Us 
If And When
It Is Engrafted Aka Cut Into
- Made A Part Of Our Lives -
To Make Us Sweeter, Stronger
Act And Live Better
To Profit Us Eternally! 

You Are Not Alone ...

We Are Encouraged To Meekly Seek The Eternal God 
By Righteousness Aka Right-Doing
Inner Humility ... Not The Public Kind For Praise

What You Put In
What You Get Out!

Let's Permit Patience To Do Her Perfect Work In Us 
To Thoroughly Prepare Us 
To Meet Our Lord, God And King
The Final Judge Of All Flesh! 

Be Wise ...

No One Can Force You To Be Naughty 
No One Can Force You To  Be Nice! 

We Are Free-Will Agents 
With Freedom To Choose To Do Right ... Or Not! 

We Who Choose To Be Free In Jesus Christ 
Will ... By Saving Grace
Separate Ourselves From Sexual Sin 
Even If We Are Called Prudes And Killjoys! 

Jesus Christ Paid For Our Peace:
Don't Squander It!

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, In The Name Of Jesus Christ My Lord And King, To Walk Softly Before You Doing All That Pleases You And Blesses Me: Please Help Me So That I Will Humbly Walk According To The Leading Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth And Not Stray After The Urges Of My Carnal Flesh! Help Me To Pray Always And Not Faint!


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