
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Familiarity With Sin Breeds Contempt For Sin!

It Is A Fact That 
Those Persons Who Live Close To Airports 
Are Not Bothered By The Roar Of Jet Engines 
Once They Have Become Accustomed To The Noise: 
Familiarity Breeds Contempt! 

Being Close To Sin 
Getting Personally Involved With Sin
Causes Us To Consider Sin As No Big Deal
We Soon Refuse To See Sin As Being Exceedingly Sinful
A Great Snare To Our Purchased Souls! 


Are You Becoming Comfortable With Sin!?! 

Are You No Longer Bothered By Lil' White Lies
Five-Finger Discounts
Robbery, Murder, Adultery
Dishonoring Your Parents
Being A False-Oath Taker
Indulging Idolatry ... And The Like!?!

Are You So Into "Doing You" 
Living "Your Truth" That You Have Forgotten That 
Every Committed Sin Crucifies Our Lord Christ Afresh!?! 

Wise Up ... 

The Doings Of Bold Sinners May Seem Exciting 
Be Looked Upon Favorably By The "In" Crowd 
Viewed Jealously By The Wannabe-Cool Crowd: 
Do Not Be Deceived! 

Almighty God 
Neither Sleeping, Fooled ... Nor Mocked! 

Heads Up ... 

The Great Day Of Small Things
The Day Of Accounts
The Day Of Reckoning 
Fast Approaching 
There Will Be No Discounts For 
"I Didn't Know!" 
"I Didn't Understand!"
"I Thought I Was Exempt!" 

Stop And Think! 
Be Still! 
Look Around You! 
Look Up 
Turn Away From The Dead-End Path Of Daring Disobedience
Remember That Who Encourages You To Sin
Aka Who Helps You To Buy A Big-Belly Horse 
Will Not Help You Feed It! 

Your Encourager Will Also Be Your Exposer
Never, Ever, Your Healer! 

There Is No Profit In Sin! 

Believe It ... 

Jesus Christ Saves: 
Soul Salvation Pays! 

1 comment:

  1. Father, The Beloved Jesus Paid The Price On Calvary To Rescue Me From Sin, Death, The Grave And Hell: I Am Grateful! Please Help Me To Not Add Insult To Injury By Returning Again To Willing Sinning And, Thereby, Crucify My Beloved Savior Afresh: I Desire, Above All Else, To Meet My Jesus In Perfect Peace On The Great Day Of Reckoning!


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