
Friday, March 12, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + The Virgin And The Party Animal!

Truth And Error 
Are Like A Virgin Serene
A Party Animal Mean! 

The Truth ... That Virgin
Speaks Softly, Firmly And Pointedly 
Staying In Time And On Target
Walks The Strait Line On The Narrow Path 
Is Not Afraid Of The Frigid, Furious
Challenges Of The Naysayers And Soothsayers: 
Truth Is Love, Loving, And Lovely! 

By Contrast, Error ... That Party Animal 
Daringly Bedecked
Proud, Loud
A Night Walker On A Mission To Impress By Expression
Has No Brakes, No Limits Nor Leashes
Favors Neither Facts Nor Tender Feelings! 

Error ... A Terror
A Thief And A Goad
Fearless, Lawless
A Painted Person Often Caught Wearing Light
And Is
A Gross And Poisonous Toad:
It's An Impressive Sight! 


Be Warned! 

Error Survives And Prospers By Gently Expressing 
A Kernel Of Truth 
Which Gains For It A Sympathetic And Empathizing Ear! 

To Send Man Astray 
Error's Only Care! 

Behold Grace ... 

Sweet, Blessed, Truth
Kind, Benign
Has Borders And Known Ties
Will Not Waffle, Wander, Nor Wobble 
Truth Is Straight ... And Plain 
No Matter If You Strip Her
Hit Her 
Or Try To Rip Her Apart! 
Truth Is Wholly Holy
Serves The Great King Only! 

Truth ... Saving Truth 
Of The Living Holy God
And Therefore
Is Not ... Cannot 
Ever Be A Fraud! 

Truth Reigns In Beautiful Beulah
The Land Of The Forever Blessed! 

Brethren, Beloved 

Stick To Truth 
Be A Spiritual Success 
Blessed Of Jesus Christ The King 
Our God 
Soon-Returning Lord
Who Brings With Him
Every Person's Due And Earned Reward! 

Truth Was Truth Yesterday!
Truth Is Truth Today!
Truth Shall Always Be Truth
Where The Sun Of Righteousness
Reigns And Rules!!

1 comment:

  1. By Your Grace, Dear Father, I Will Live And Die In The Truth That Is Jesus Christ My Lord!


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