
Saturday, March 13, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: There's No Salvation In Straw!

It Is said That 
A Drowning Man Will Catch At A Straw 
To Save Himself!

Straw Is A By-Product 
A Waste-Product Whose End, Ultimately
The Dung-Heap Or The Burn-Barrel: 
There's No Salvation In Grasping At Straw! 

Those Of Us Who Don't Personally Know The Lord Jesus 
Are Drowning In Sin! 
We Who Know The Lord Christ Are Grasping For 
Are Being Firmly Held By The Holy Hand Of 
Our Own Creator 
The Creator Of The Plants From Which The Straw Comes! 

Be Wise For Yourself ... 

It Is Always Safer, More Beneficial ... More Profitable 
To Go To The Boss Than To The Servant! 

Our Boss ... The Master
The Lord Our God, The King, The Judge
- With Open Arms - 
Invites Us To Seek After Him Diligently 
While He May Be Found! 


We Have A ... The ... Window Of Opportunity 
Now ... Today ... To Get In On The Ground Floor Of 
The Universe's Greatest Health, Wealth And Blessing Transfer
With No Lies Or Deceit Involved 
No Stealth Or Stealing Required! 

Let Us Dare ... Today
To Reject The Cheap, Useless, Straws That 
Suggest Possible Safety ... And Security
Grossly Fall Short And Grotesquely Fail
And Instead 
Humbly Choose To Call Upon 
Repair To Our Lord Jesus 
Who, Alone, Truly Saves, Heals 
Seals Us! 

Jesus Christ
Our All
For All Things
In All Ways!

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Choose The Good Part, Life In Jesus Christ, And Bless Me to Remain Rooted And Stand Firmly Grounded In The Living Word, The Truth That Cannot Fail!


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