
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Open Your Eyes!

There Is No Man So Blind As He That 
Chooses Out Of The Gross Pride In His Heart That 
He Will Not See! 

Question Is
What Is There So Frightening To Look Upon
To Observe Intently
To Learn From By Clear Sight That 
The Willfully Blind One Refuses To Look Upon It!?! 


If We Are Honest About Our Own Selves
Our Own Experiences
We Must Answer, Truth! 

So Plain, Complex, Soft, Hard, Light, Dark
Sweet, Sour, Beautiful
So Ugly That Those Of Us Who Walk Self-Assured
Self-Justified In Our Own Self-Worship 
Cannot, Will Not, Accept That
It Is Only By Fully Trusting Jesus Christ Who Is The Truth
Who Takes All Of Our Complex, Dark
Hard, Sour, Ugly Bits Into Himself 
Gives Us His Plain, Soft, Light
Sweet, Beautiful Wholeness That 
We Will Walk Without Blinkers And Scales 
Obscuring Aka Blinding Our Vision! 

Self-Worship Is Idolatry! 
Idolatry Is Sin! 
Willful Blindness 
Presumptuous Sin Aka Planned Sin: 
Don't Do It! 

Let's Stop With The Can't-Profit Folly Of Willful Blindness! 

Open Your Eyes! 
Accept The Plain Truth
See The Light! 

Jesus Christ The Righteous
The Word Of God 
The Light That Points The Way Home
The Truth:
Hear Him! 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, I, By Your Grace, And The Exercise Of My Free Will And Freedom To Choose, Choose, By Faith, To Trust You At Your Holy Word That The Holy Spirit Will Lead Me into All Truth!


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