
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Word Of Almighty God Works!

What Does The Banner Under Which You Walk 
Reveal About Your Present Character!? 

What Are Your Actions Revealing About The Doctrines That 
You Have Chosen To Live By!?! 

What Have You Learnt 
Or Are Learning From Your Lived Experiences!?! 

Will You Stand Up To Being Tested 
By The Law Of Ten Commandments
The "Thus Saith The Lord" 
Or Will You Fail 
Miserably Fall To Self-Destruction 
On The Molehill-Mountain Of Me Myself I And Mine!?! 


The Word Of The Lord Of Life
The Commandments Of The Creator-God
The Transcript Of His Character
Are Blessings Upon Us All
Against All That Ails Us 
Are To Be Lightly Esteemed
Dismissed, Disparaged, And Denied 
At Our Own Soul's Peril! 

Jesus Christ The Lord
The King Of Glory
The Great Physician: 
We ... Sin-Sick Souls
Have One Foot And Four Toes In The Grave! 

The Word Of The Eternal God
- Available To All And Healing - 
The Cure For All Of Our Diseases
A Sure Cure Against The Destruction Of The Second Death! 

We Can't Save Ourselves
Our Vain Philosophies Won't Bless Us: 
Only Jesus Christ Saves To The Uttermost! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Choose To Totally ... Confidently
Surrender To The Lord Jesus Christ 
Enduringly ... Faithfully
Walk Humbly Before Him 
According To His Infallible Word! 
The Word Of God Works! 


1 comment:

  1. Bless Me, Dear Father, As I Walk Along The Pilgrim's Pathway To Ever Remember That Your Preserved Word Is True, Infallible, Unimpeachable And Perfect To Teach Me All That I Need To Know About My Lord Christ, The Way To Salvation, To Be Victorious Over Sin, And To Rebuke The Devourer And The Accuser Of The Brethren Who Worship You In Spirit And In Truth!


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