
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

There Are No Shortcuts To Glory!


We Are Warned And We Are Encouraged: 

Godly Lives Lived In The Lord Christ 
Call Forth Persecution 
Staying The Course With The Lord Christ 
Leads To The Crown Given By The Lord Christ! 

There Are No Shortcuts To Glory! 

We Need To Know The Living God That We Believe In
What It Is That We Are Striving For
The Tricks Of The Trade Of Our Adversary, Satan
The Ways And Methods Of Our Savior-King
Jesus Christ The Lord
Our Great Example! 

Let Us By Grace Through Faith 
Never ... Ever
Seek To Battle Our Known Enemies In Our Own Strength
Using Their Tactics 
Following Their Rules! 

The Lord Jesus Christ
Our Shepherd
Our Refuge
Our Strength!

We Are Christians
Servants Of The Eternal God
Children Blessed 
Diligent Students Of The Living Word! 

Our Enemies Will Be Many 
Their Tactics Truly Evil 
So Let Us ... As Missionaries For The Lord Christ 
Become Humbly Determined
Enduringly Committed
Faithfully Striving For The Prize That 
The Upward Call 
While Maintaining A Light Hold 
On The Things Of This World! 

Covet No Man's Gold, Silver Or Raiment 
Choose ... At All Costs 
To Permit The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
To Teach, Guide 
Chide Aka Correct You 
As You Walk Toward Our Forever Home! 

Truth Wins! 


1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, I Am Thankful For Even My Enemies As They Help To Keep Me Close To Your Holy And Always Loving Side Where I Will Always Have Refuge!


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