
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

DARKNESS CONDEMNS: Walk Peacefully ... Into The Light Of Life!

The Elders Always Used To Tell Us That 
You Could And Buy Land 
You Can't Hide And Reap It: 
They Stood On The Solid Ground Of Living Truth! 


Walking In The Light Of Almighty God's Truth
- The Light Of Life -
Our Sure Defence Against Those Who Seek 
To Unleash The Winds Of Strife 
Against Those Of Us Who They Disdain, Envy
Fear Or Just Plain Hate! 

Let Us Have Pity Upon Such Persons 
For They Do Not Realize That When You Sow The Wind 
You Shall Surely Reap The Whirlwind Aka The Judgment 
Which Destroys Everything In Its Path 
Be It Human, Animal, Plant, Or Building! 

Let Us Daily Remind Ourselves 
Never To Follow Friend, Family Or The Surging Crowds 
To Indulge In Activities Which Our Lord Christ Cannot 
Will Not Bless 
No Matter How Much We Say "Lord, Lord!" 
Sing Psalms, Hymns, And Spiritual Songs 
Do Great Works Of Charity! 

If You Haven't Made A Human
Please See To It, By God's Great Grace, That 
You Do Not Raise Up Either Your Hand Or Your Voice 
To Destroy One! 

Do Not Dig Graves To Bury Others 
Do Not Create Slippery Slopes 
The Likes Of Which You Shall Surely Fall Upon! 

Keep Your Eyes So That They Reflect The Light Of Glory 
Keep Your Heart Fixed On Jesus Christ The Righteous
Who, Alone, Saves ... The Willing! 

Do Not Permit The Contrary Whispers In Your Ears 
To Egg You On To Do Evil! 

Dare To Walk Wisely 
Humbly In The Light That Leads To Eternal Life: 
Darkness Condemns And Damns! 

Choose, Always, To Be At Peace With Almighty God! 

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, I Am Grateful That Your All-Seeing Eyes Watch Over Me, And My Heart Is Glad That You Are Ever-Present And That You Know And Are Involved In All That Concerns Me: I Give You Heartfelt Praise And Thanks!


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