
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Is Your Faith Exercising Trust In Jesus Christ The Lord!?!

Is Your Exercised Faith In Jesus Christ Fixed 
Or Is Your Faith Dependent Upon 
Your Every Prayer Being Answered 
Just As You Have Asked 
In The Time-Frame That You, A Mere Mortal, Has Specified 
To The Creator God 
Who Is All-Knowing, Almighty, And Eternal!?! 

Are You Mixing Faith With Sight!?! 

Are You Mixing Faith With Feelings!?! 

Does Your "Faith" Have You Reeling!?! 


We Who Are Committed To The Lord Christ 
The Way Of The Cross That Leads To The Heavenly Home
Cannot Afford The "Luxury" Of A Fair-Weather Faith 
With A Side Of Flitting Butterflies 
A Generous Helping Of Thorn-Less, Perfectly Scented, Roses! 

The Children Of The Household Of Faith 
Must Stand Or Fall By The Word Of The Lord 
Which Clearly States Plainly That 
All Things Work
-  Answered Prayer Or Not - 
For The Good Of Us Who Are The Called 
According To The Purposes Of God!

We Must Be Able To Say
- Like Job And The Three Hebrew Worthies - 

"Live Or Die
I'm Trusting My Lord With My Life
All That Concerns Me!" 

We Who Are Headed To Hill Zion 
Must Be Able To Bear Disappointment 
Aka The Denial Of Even Godly Desires! 

We Must Be Able To Hold Strain 
Even When We Just Want To Curl Up And Die! 

We Must Trust The Living Word 
And Not The Lies Of The Devil! 

Jesus Christ Always Saves! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please ... By Grace Through Faith
Daily Choose To Moment-By-Moment Trust 
The Lord's Heavenly Love For You 
Even When You Can't Trace His Holy Hand 
Helping You! 


1 comment:

  1. I Humbly Petition You, Dear Father, For The Eye-Salve That Will Heal My Mortal Blindness And Help Me To Clearly See To Wisely And Faithfully And Enduringly Follow My Lord Christ Whose Love For Me Is Stronger Than Death: I Worship, Love And Praise You!


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