
Thursday, April 8, 2021

Happy, Helped And Hopeful!

Happy ... Helped ... Hopeful: 
This Is The Living Legacy Of 
Almighty God's Love Toward Us Collectively 
Personally Individually! 


We Who Love The Lord Christ 
Choose To Truly Worship Him By Our Willing Obedience 
Are Blessed Over 
Above Those Who Know Not The Lord! 

Our Happiness 
From The Lord Of Life! 

Our Help 
From Him Who Is Our Shepherd, Refuge And Strength
Our Very Present Help 
In Our Times Of Sure-To-Come Trouble! 

Our Hope 
In Our Savior, Redeemer, Forever Faithful Friend 
Who Knows Our Names, Present And Future
Remembers Our Frame:
He Does Not Forget That We Are Dust! 

In Jesus Christ, We Live And Breathe: 
Without The Breath Of Life From Him
We Most Assuredly Die! 

He Is Real ...

Our Lord's Hands, Feet, Ears And Mouth 
Are Fully Functioning 
I Beseech Us All To Remember That 
With His Hands, He Made Us! 

With His Mouth 
He Called All That We Behold Into Being! 

With His Ears 
He Hears Our Prayers
On Determined Feet He Walked To Calvary 
To Restore Us Who Are Obedient Sheep! 

Trust The Living Word Of Truth ...

Be Happy In Jesus 
The Only One Whose Help Gives Us A Myriad Reasons 
To Have Abundant Hope In The God Who Gives And Forgives
Feeds And Frees
Succors And Sanctifies
Breaks Bounds 
Bountifully Blesses The Brave Believer 
Bound For Beautiful Beulah Land! 

Be Joyful In Jesus Christ The King Of Love:
In Him Is Our Perfect Peace!

1 comment:

  1. The Way Of Gladness Is Knowing Jesus Christ, My Lord! Thank You, Dear Father, For The Unspeakable Gift!


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