
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Heap Those Coals Of Fire!

It Is Said That Revenge Upon One's Enemies 
Best Served Cold 
Aka Unexpectedly 
With Vicious Stopping-Power! 

To Almighty God's Chosen People
The Answer To This 
"Nuh Uh!" 

As Blessed And Highly Favored Children Of 
The Eternal Who Grants Grace And Inhabits Glory
We Are Called To Be Mind-Bogglingly Kind 
To Those Who To Us Are Not Even Close To Being So! 

Oh, The Beauty Of The Unexpected Kindness 
When Your Enemy Needs Help 
You're The Only One Available To Help 
You Actually, Willingly, Graciously
- For The Love Of God - 
Provide That Help With A Tender Look 
A Gentle Touch! 

What Bliss Is Yours To Have And To Hold! 

Remember, Beloved, 

This Is The Way Of The Savior 
If We Desire To See Him In Peace
This Must Be Our Way! 

We Were Once Enemies Of The Almighty 
He, By Jesus Christ The Righteous
Granted Us The Unimaginable Kindness 
... His Life For Yours ... And Mine! 

There's No Repayment Possible: 
Choose, Instead, To Obey His Blessed Call 
To Be Set Apart For Holy Use 
... To Sanctification ... To Perfection! 

Dare To Smile With The Lord 
In The Face Of The Scorn And Abuse Of Your Enemies: 
Chase Away Evil 
With Your Hand Dripping With Goodness That Shines
With The Light Of Love! 


1 comment:

  1. I Am Listening, Dear Lord! Help Me To Understand Your Word, Accept Your Will, And Choose To Obey!


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