
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Loving God And Loving Each Other!


Without The Love Of God In Our Hearts
The Words We Speak
The Spirit Under Which We Operate
The Sincerity We Display
The Devotion To The Lord That We Communicate 
All Mean Bupkis, Nothing, Nada, Zilch 
We Will Not Enter Into The Eternal Rest That 
The Heritage Of The Blessed People Of Almighty God! 


A Performing Aka Acting Christian 
Not The Same As A Humble, Obedient
Working, Loving Christian! 

The Priests, Scribes 
The Pharisees Of Old Were Adept Performers! 
They Were In Costume
In Character
Knew Their Lines 
Were Looking Forward To Their Paycheck Aka Sweet Words 
From The Beguiled 
Good Coin From Their Unholy Enterprises! 

Ill-Gotten Gain Gave Them Goosies
Aka Goosebumps Of Ecstasy! 
They Sang The Songs Of Zion For Show! 
They Did Acts Of Charity For Show! 
They Prayed Long Prayers For Show! 
They Preached The Word To Show Their Grasp Of The Material 
Show Off Their Vocabulary! 
Their Devotion To Almighty God 
Held No Love For Almighty God
Their Worship Was Vain, Hollow ... Loveless! 

Brethren, Beloved 

There Is No Faking Christianity 
Until You "Become" A Christian!

We Accept The Lord Jesus Christ As Savior, Lord, And God
Confess And Repent Of All Of Our Known Sin
We Become Christians
Striving Daily For The Mastery Of Self
Victory Over Every Sin That So Easily Besets Us!

We Live For Christ Jesus: 
We Are Called By His Holy Name!

We Are Called To Life Everlasting
So Let Us, By The Holy Spirit, Love Our Dear Jesus 
By Thought, Word, And Deed 
As We Love Our Brethren 
As We Love Ourselves! 
True Love Works!

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

We Are Saved By Grace Through Faith
We Are Judged By Our Work!
Think Carefully About What You Are Doing Today!

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Thank You For The Blessed Privilege Of Daily, Humbly, Bearing The Name Of The Lord Christ With Joy And Gladness!


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