
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Self-Utilized Backbone Required!

The Newest Growing Trend In Popular Culture 
To Place The Onus, The Duty, Upon Others 
To Be Your Personal Backbone 
To Stop You 
From Giving In To The Unbridled Lusts Of Your Flesh 
By Depriving Others Of Their Own Rights Of 


Being Temperate Aka Having Personal Self-Control
Knowing When Enough Is Sufficient 
Accepting "Thus Saith The Lord!" 
All Make For The Perfect Deterrent 
No Matter What "Difficulty" We May Face! 

Think About It ...

 Sin Abounds! 
The Moral Law 
The Health Laws Are Available 
We Are Encouraged To Make Good Use Of Them!
The Lord Jesus Could Have Removed Sin 
Temptation From Our Presence: He Didn't! 

Jesus Christ ... The Righteous Judge ... Simply Says

Exercise My Gift To You Of Daily Faith 
Use My Commandments For You 
As Your Sure Hedge Of Protection 
You Won't Choose To Sin! 

Self-Utilized Backbone Is Required! 

To Willfully Commit Sin Is Not An Accident!
Living By Sinning Is A Personal Choice!


Being Tempted Is Not A Sin!
Yielding To Temptation Is Sin!

Life Is Amazing! 
Self-Deception Is Mind-Boggling! 
Refusing To Take Responsibility 
For Your Own Self-Willed Actions 
The Mark Of A Lazy Mind In A Self-Absorbed Person! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

You Alone 
Stand Alone 
Before Christ Alone 
To Answer For Your Own Life 
In The One Judgment! 

One Life To Live Is Your Lot: 
Deal With It! 

Use Your Gift-From-God Tools!

Find Your Peace In The Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Please Strengthen Me, Dear Father, To Ever Take Your Living Word Of Truth To Heart And To Stand Firmly In The Faith Of Jesus Christ So That I Will Not Give In To The Temptations That Are Common To Every Human Being!


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