
Monday, June 7, 2021

ADVERSARIES ABOUND: Redemption Draws Nigh!

Our Father Gives To Us Gifts Of Love 
Every Moment Of Every Day
We Should Ever Express Sincere Gratitude 
Not With A Thankless Heart Run And Play Around! 

We Are Chosen To Be Members Of The Family Of God! 
We Were Created
Purchased Back
Sanctified Aka Set-Apart 
Are Soon To Be Redeemed
We Are Not To Permit The Adversary Of Our Souls 
To Cause Us Against Our Only Hope To Scheme! 

The Lord Jesus Did Not Have To Come To Earth 
He Did Not On The Cross Of Calvary Have To Stay! 
He So Loves Us! 

Almighty God ... In The Person Of Jesus Christ 
Wanted Us In His Image To Grow
His Everlasting Love For Us 
He Sacrificially Chose To Show! 

Brethren, Beloved, 

Do Not Act The Ingrate! 
Do Not  Order The Plate Of Blessings
Then Display Your Hate 
It Makes You Act, Walk, And Even Differently Speak! 

Don't Be Weak! 
Dare To Stand Up For Christ Jesus 
The Living Words Of Truth Faithfully Repeat! 

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ...

Adversaries Abound! 
Accusers Act All Profound! 
Liars Exercise License 
Sticking With Our Savior Jesus 
Will See You Being Among The Glory-Bound! 

Faith Gives Us Over Sin The Victory 
Doubt Will Set A Mark On Us That Says 
This One Is Hell-Bent And Hell-Bound! 

Trust Jesus Christ And Believe: 
Worship Almighty God 
Into His Heavenly House Be Well And Truly Received! 

May The Spirit Of God 
Descend Upon Your Heart! 


1 comment:

  1. Lead Me, Dear Lord, And I Will Gladly, Faithfully, Enduringly, Follow You To My Eternal Home!


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