
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Follow The Lamb That Blesses Sheep!

Which Statement Will You Ultimately Utter!?! 
"I Am Glad That I Had Daily Taken The Lord Christ 
For My Hope, Help, And Salvation
My Everlasting Portion!" 


"I Bitterly Regret That 
I Did Not Take Jesus Christ 
As My Savior, Lord, And God!?!" 

Are You An Obedient Sheep 
Willingly Following Where The Good Shepherd Safely Leads 
And Confidently Feeds You 
With Food Good For Every Personally Known 
And Individually Named Member Of His Flock 
Who Recognizes And Only Answers The Call Of His Voice

Are You A Wayward, Wandering, Constantly Straying Goat 
Who The Shepherd Repeatedly Has To Chase After 
When You Follow Fads, Fashions, And Follies!?! 


The Willing To Be Saved 
Walk Wisely In The Blessed Ways Of 
The Master Of The Wind Who Stills Storms
Casts Out Demons
Heals The Lame
Gives Sight To Blind Eyes
Unstops Deaf Ears
Seals Against The Wrath To Come
Raises The Dead In Christ 
To Life Everlasting With Jesus Christ The Righteous Judge
The King Of Love 
The King Of Glory Who Loves Us With An Everlasting Love! 

Please Remember That 
Obedient, Saved, Sheep Eat Green Grass 
Drink Pure Water 
Have Coats Of Wool As White As Snow 
They Are Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb 
Who Is The Shepherd Leading Them To Eternal Peace 
Perfect Rest! 

Sheep Safely Graze 
Tranquilly Rest:
Find Your Peace In Jesus Christ The Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Faithfully, Obediently, Listen To My Lord Christ, The Risen And Interceding Lamb Of God, Who Has Taken Away My Humbly Confessed And Repented Of Personal Sin!


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