
Monday, June 21, 2021

Godly Understanding Is A Free Gift From Almighty God!

Are The Eyes Of Your Understanding Sighted Or Blinded!?! 

What Do You Want To Understand!?! 

What Do You Want To See!?! 

What Are You Choosing To Cast A Blind Eye Toward!?! 

Why Would Any Christian Choose Willful Ignorance 
Over Illuminated Understanding!?! 


We Live In A World Where Having An Understanding Heart
Being Able To See Another's Point Of View 
Without Anger And Hatred 
Choosing To Stand Firm In The Faith Of Jesus Christ 
Makes One A Pariah ... An Outcast
An Enemy To The Multitude 
It Is No Reason To Deny Your Faith ... The Most Holy Faith
Nor Ignore 
Denigrate Your Father In Heaven! 

With The Wisdom Of The Living God 
Comes Understanding To Use The Knowledge That 
The Lord Has Generously Placed At Our Disposal 
To Bless Ourselves 
Most Definitely Others! 

Think About It ... 

Understanding To Do Evil Is Useless
Understanding To Do Good And Right 
Aka The Things Of Jesus Christ The Lord 
Perfectly Priceless! 

Godly Understanding 
A Good And Perfect Free Gift From Our Almighty God 
So Don't Bastardize It By Shutting Out The Light Of Life 
To Willfully Do Evil! 

Please Understand That 
Once You Are Made Aware Of Truth 
You Choose To Ignore Truth 
In Order To Indulge Error
You Are Guilty Of Sin! 

Godly Understanding Is Infinitely Free 
Willful Ignorance 
Grossly Expensive! 

I Encourage Us All
To Be Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Free Salvation! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Grant Unto Me, Dear Father, By The Sweet Spirit Of Truth, An Understanding Heart And A Heart For Willing Service To My Lord Jesus Christ, Our Savior, Redeemer, And Soon Returning King!


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