
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Witchcraft And Idolatry Is For Fools!

Never Confuse Witchcraft, Magic, Good Luck
With The Blessings Of The Eternal God 
All Of These Are Counterfeits Of The Lord's Goodness 
Are Perpetrated By Satan, King Fraud! 

Many Of Us Will Do Well To Remember That 
A Loving "No!" From The All-Knowing
All-Seeing, Ever-Present God 
Cannot Be Equal With A Poisonous 
Known Hate-Filled "Yes!" 
From Our Adversary, Murdering Satan, The Damned! 


What Your Lust Thinks That You Want 
A Far Cry From What Your Lord Knows That 
You Desperately Need 
So Please Choose To Let The Lord's Love 
Lead You To Eternal Life 
Instead Of Letting The Devil's Lying Lust 
Squeeze You And Send You To A Christless Grave

Satan Is The Damned Leader Of The Cursed Clan 
"Can't Have Eternal Blessings 
Because Of Willful Disobedience!" 

You, Me, We Committed Christians 
Are From The Blessed Clan 
"Will Receive Eternal Blessings 
Because Of Loving, Willing, Obedience!" 

These Two Clans Are Not Interchangeable 
So Dare To Learn And Acknowledge The Difference! 

Both Sword And Shield! 
Obedience Aka The Purest Form Of Worship
An Exceedingly Comfortable Bed
Walking In The Light Of Life 
Leads To Heavenly Delights! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Unwavering Trust In The Lord Christ 
Ensures That We Will Win In The Against-Sin Fight!

Please Don't Fool Yourself 
Or Deceive Others
Dare To And Wisely Honor
Worship, Praise, Glorify
Willingly Trust And Obey The Living God! 

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Not Be As The Fool Who Says In His Darkened Heart That There Is No God! You Are The God Glorious And It Is With A Mind Enlightened By The Gospel Truth As Taught By The Holy Spirit Who Leads Us Into All Truth That I Choose Of My Own Free Will To Honor, Worship, Praise, And Worship You In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life, Earth And Glory, My Creator, Savior, Redeemer And Forever Friend!


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