
Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sippy-Cup Christianity


Would You Squeeze Through A Wide-Open Door!?! 

Would You Only Eat One Grape A Day 
When You Have Unrestricted Access 
To A Flourishing, Abundantly Productive, Vineyard!?! 

Would You Drink From A Sippy-Cup 
When You Live Next To A Spring Of Sweet, Ice-Cold, Water!?! 

If You Answer 
"No, Not A Chance!" 
Then Why In The Name Of All That 
Holy, Just, And Good 
Are You, Me, We Visiting With The Lord Christ 
Only When We Are In Dire Straits 
Not Doing So As A Habit, A Practice, A Way Of Life!?! 

Jesus Christ Spreads A Table Before Us!
Jesus Christ Is The Creator God
The King Of Love
The Good Shepherd
The King Of The Universe 
Any Table That He Spreads Before Us 
In The Presence Of Our Enemies 
Going To Be Beautifully Appointed
Infinitely Long
Abundantly Laid 
So That We May Feast Now 


Dear Lord, 
We Have A Problem! 
We Are Looking Through Finite Eyes
With Fraught Feelings 
At The Table Spread By The Infinite God! 
Please Help Us To Look Up Higher
See Clearer
Smell Deeper
Taste The Unimaginably Good, Good
Very Good Things That
Come From Your Giving Heart And Hands! 

Please Cleanse, Refine
Re-Educate Our Taste-Buds 
So That We Will Ever Choose
With Knowledge, Wisdom, And Understanding 
To Eat And Drink Deeply Of
Your Goodness Always! 

1 comment:

  1. All That You Have For Me, Dear Father, Is Good For Me And I Beseech You, In The Name Of The Beloved Jesus, To Help Me To Constantly Appear At Your House Of Plenty Where The Table Is Ever Laden With Food Good For My Body, Mind And Spirit So That I May Be Fed And Nourished Always! I Am Contented In Jesus Christ!


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