
Monday, August 2, 2021

Stop Helping Satan The Damned Feel Good!

Many Of Us Are Not Wise! 

Have You Considered That 
Our Dear Lord Tells Us To Do Good 
Good Will Attend Us 
To Consider Our Ways ... And ... Be Wise
For A Reason!?! 


If Doing Good Causes Good To Attend Us Aka Take Care Of Us
Then It Stands To Reason That 
When We Do Bad, Down-Right Corrupt Evil Things
Then Bad, Down-Right Corrupt Evil Things 
Will Assuredly Take Up Residence 
In Our Comfy Chair And Nice Bed 
To Make Sure That We Reap What We Sow 
With Bitterness And Sorrow
Eat What We Maliciously Caused To Abundantly Grow! 

Think ... 

Would You Enjoy Manufacturing A Weapon That You Know 
Definitely Going To Be Used To Execute You!?! 

Obviously, The Answer Is A Resounding "No!" 

Since This Is So
Then Why Are We Who Know Right From Wrong 
Good From Evil
Indulging In Idiocy To Help Satan The Damned 
Feel Good About His Day's Work 
Against Our Striving For The Lord Of Glory's 
"Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant!" 
Priceless Commendation!?! 

The Plain Truth ...

Satan Can't Go Back Home To Heaven! 
We, By Enduring Faith And Obedience, Can! 

Please, I Beseech Us All 
Let Us Examine Ourselves 
Discover Aka Expose Our Rank Motives 
For Indulging In Lawlessness Aka Sin! 

Let Us Choose To Daily Die To Sin And Selfishness 
So That We Will Live For Salvation 
With Charity Aka Love For All Mankind!

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Unimpeachable, Indestructible, Records Are Being Kept!

Be Wise For Your Own Self 
Boldly Decide To Ever Do What Is Good And Right! 

Committing Sin Is Natural:
No Effort Is Required! 

Doing What Is Good And Right
A Free-Will
Faithful To The Lord Christ
Conscious Decision! 

There Are Consequences To Either Act:
Choose Wisely! 

1 comment:

  1. Please Bless Me, Dear Lord, To Deny The Father Of Lies And To Serve You Alone In Spirit And In The Truth That Speaks Life And Saves The Soul From Sin!


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